Tuesday, April 9, 2019


Hebrews 13:20-21                                                 (ESV)
“20 Now may the GOD of peace WHO brought again from the dead our LORD JESUS, the great SHEPHERD of the sheep, by the blood of the ETERNAL COVENANT,
21 EQUIP YOU with EVERYTHING GOOD that you may do “HIS WILL”, working in us that which is pleasing in HIS sight, through JESUS CHRIST, to WHOM be glory forever and ever. Amen.”

The number of times that I have written that GOD HAS A PLAN would probably surprise even me.  We, or most likely I, try to “predict” what ALMIGHTY GOD’s Plan is and then act as though it my calling to make it happen, and ON MY TIMETABLE!  Had I been running things, GOD would parted the Red Sea a day earlier, then the Children of Israel would have already been across the water when Pharaoh showed up and the Egyptians wouldn’t have assumed that they could make it as well, allowing GOD to gain Glory over Pharaoh and all his hosts!!

The writer of the passage of Scripture above requests that GOD of peace EQUIP YOU with EVERYTHING GOOD that you may do “HIS WILL”!  How GOD EQUIPS us may be painstakingly slow to develop our FAITH that HE exists and that HE rewards those who seek HIM (Hebrews 11:6)!  GOD is capable of doing a “quick development”, but more often than not HE is interested in making sure our CHARACTER is able to handle HIS Blessings before HE showers us with them.  Waiting on THE LORD, therefore, is something that most are quite uncomfortable doing.  The PAIN of waiting on GOD is a trying and humbling experience that is rather difficult for some, including yours truly.

GOD has a Plan and I must WAIT on HIS timing to allow that Plan to be implemented and for HIM to be Glorified.  It’s not a matter of whether HE is able to work faster because I can’t wait for HIM.  However it is ALL ABOUT HIM getting Glory over the enemy and his minions.  My timing is mostly selfish and narrowly focused.  “HIS WILL” and HIS timing gains HIM Glory, and that is what we should all be striving to for.  

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