Tuesday, April 2, 2019


Ecclesiastes 12:13-14                        (ESV)
“13 The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear GOD and keep HIS commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.
14 “FOR GOD” will bring every deed into JUDGMENT, with EVERY SECRET THING, whether good or evil.”

When ALMIGHTY GOD judges us at the Great White Throne Of Judgement, HE won’t be considering the good we THINK we have done.  According to Scripture, our ABSOLUTE BEST (our righteousness) is but filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6) before a HOLY GOD!  When I hear people respond when asked why THEY THINK they should be allowed into Heaven and they respond “Well, I’ve been a pretty good person”, my heart sinks because their goodness, just like my righteousness, will not be enough to erase any of our sins, let alone the multitude of sins that JESUS paid for!  

Listening to the pain and suffering that JESUS endured used to seem unrealistic to me?  Why would a HOLY GOD sentence HIS ONLY SON to die a death so brutal for people who denied HIM, such as I have?  GOD is HOLY, therefore HE demands retribution for unholiness, and my sin had to be paid for by someone qualified!  JESUS CHRIST was the ONLY perfect, spotless LAMB OF GOD, and yet HE humbled HIMSELF to death, yea, death on the cross (Philippians 2:8) because GOD loved me so much HE wanted to spend eternity with me praising JESUS’s NAME!  

Certainly, I don’t deserve to have the DIVINE BLOOD of JESUS shed for me, but GOD chose me and CALLED ME OUT OF THE DARKNESS INTO HIS MARVELOUS LIGHT (1 Peter 2:9)!  When GOD observes me, the miracle of IMPUTATION (Romans 4:9-12) occurs and HE SEES the righteousness of CHRIST!  When I am judged THAT DAY, GOD will SEE JESUS instead of my filthy rags and welcome me into HIS KINGDOM with “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:23).  

All the problems of this world will cease one day as the enemy and his followers will be cast into the lake of Fire!  HIS WORD declares it (Revelation 20:11-15)!  Don’t try to assume that you have a good sense of how things will transpire when things start unfolding.  Only by TRUSTING IN HIS WORD and HIS PROMISES will any of us be saved!  “FOR GOD” has declared!!!

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