Tuesday, April 16, 2019


Hebrews 4:11-13                                           (ESV)
“11 Let us therefore strive to enter that rest, SO THAT NO ONE MAY FALL BY THE SAME SORT OF DISOBEDIENCE.
12 For THE WORD OF GOD is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, PIERCING to the division of SOUL and of SPIRIT, of joints and of marrow, and DISCERNING the THOUGHTS and INTENTIONS of the heart.
13 And “NO CREATURE” is hidden from HIS sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of HIM to WHOM we MUST GIVE ACCOUNT.”

Watching what people do for their children is amazing!  From getting up in the middle of the night to feed and clean them, to nursing them when they are sick, to teaching them how to act in public, how to play ball, there are a lot more things that can be written about guiding and directing their lives.  

However, do we put as much effort and determination into developing their Spiritual characteristics as we do their social traits?  Could it be we don’t SEE the TRUE POWER OF THE WORD OF GOD?  If we actually KNEW in our hearts that the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES gave us an OWNERS MANUAL, THE WORD OF GOD, to guide us on our Journey, the results would hopefully tremendously different?  

The original sin, and most sins following, are eerily similar.  Genesis 3:5 says “...For GOD knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like GOD...”!  We ALL want to be the god of our own lives, and the god of our entire surroundings, doing what WE THINK is best and getting the results WE THINK needs to happen.  

There is however, “NO CREATURE” capable of being GOD, for HIS capabilities and vastness are immeasurable and HIS mercy is beyond comprehension.  Why else would HE allow a wretch such as me to breathe HIS oxygen?  HE gave us our children to REFLECT HIS LOVE to a world that is becoming darker everyday with SIN and HOPELESSNESS, and we want to teach them anything EXCEPT THE BIBLE?

The Gospel of John, chapter one, verse one, speaking about JESUS states “In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with GOD, and THE WORD WAS GOD”!  We have the assignment to make certain THE WORD is shared with our children, AND THE WORLD, or allow “this world” to clutter their minds with anything and everything that the enemy can use to fill the void in our lives.  “NO CREATURE” is hidden from HIS sight, and “NO CREATURE” will escape HIS JUDGEMENT!  Are your children aware of this???  Are YOU aware of this???

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