Wednesday, April 10, 2019


Colossians 1:21-23                                         (ESV)
“21 And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds,
22 HE has now reconciled in HIS body of flesh by HIS death, in order to present you Holy and blameless and above reproach before HIM,
23 if indeed you continue in the FAITH, “STABLE AND STEADFAST”, not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard, which has been proclaimed in all creation under heaven, and of which I, Paul, became a minister.”

Mankind has become so consumed with racial and economic inequalities that we BLINDING ourselves to the finished work of CHRIST (Colossians 1:21-23)!  Wallowing in the TRAPS set by our enemy, most of the church is complicit by NOT exposing THE TRUTH to those who cannot SEE!  

We don’t spend enough time inside of GOD’S WORD......PERIOD!  Instead we are allowing “this world” to determine what we see on our news telecast, what we hear on our talk shows, how we coddle to the lost who attend our churches in an attempt to grow our numbers, when celebrating LIFE in JESUS is the ONLY WAY to make a difference in people’s lives!  

Many times I have written about an actor in the mid-1990’s being interviewed in the twilight of his career and being asked, “You have experienced success like few others!  What else would you like to accomplish?”  Very humbly, he simply said, “I want PEACE”!  “This world” will offer us everything under the sun in an effort to satisfy the GOD-LIKE SHAPE inside of us that ONLY JESUS CHRIST can fill.  Until we SLOW DOWN and admit that serving JESUS CHRIST is the ONLY chance we have to experience PEACE, we will continue trying to fill our round hole with a square peg!  

Continuing in the FAITH, “STABLE AND STEADFAST”, will change our lives to display HIS LOVE to a world that is unable to Spiritually SEE the need for HIM.  To allow the enemy to camouflage his lies so that we don’t SEE the harm they bring is ludicrous on our part.  We should remain “STABLE AND STEADFAST”, constantly in HIS WORD drawing us closer to HIS Likeness.  

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