Monday, April 8, 2019


Ephesians 2:4-10                                   
“But GOD, WHO is rich in mercy, FOR HIS great love wherewith HE loved us, 5 Even when WE WERE DEAD IN SINS, hath quickened us together with CHRIST, (“BY GRACE” ye are saved;) 6 And hath raised usup together, and made ussit together in Heavenly placesin CHRIST JESUS: 7 That in the ages to come HE might shew the exceeding riches of HIS GRACE in HISkindness toward us through CHRIST JESUS. 8 For “BY GRACE” are ye saved THROUGH FAITH; and that NOT OF YOURSELVES: it isthe GIFT OF GOD: 9 NOT OF WORKS, LEST ANY MAN SHOULD BOAST. 10 For we are HIS workmanship, created in CHRIST JESUS unto good works, which GOD hath before ordained that we should walk in them.”

ALMIGHTY GOD has a Plan!  That phrase has been repeated by this writer many times in many places.  HIS Plan is far more intriguing than anything man could ever write, or dream; or imagine, as our finite minds aren’t capable of SEEING what only HE can do.  Humanly, we desire to “do our best” for our family, our friends, and most especially our GOD.   But JESUS said in Matthew 18:3 that unless we come as “little children”, we will NOT see the Kingdom of GOD!  My soon to be four year old granddaughters love (and are LOVED!) IMMENSELY, but all they can offer in return is to simply LOVE!  

GOD is telling me in Ephesians 2:8 that my salvation is a “GIFT OF  GOD”, not because I can give the biggest gift to HIM, not because I live more HOLY than someone else.  HE simply desires for me to LOVE HIM!  Evidence of that LOVE will be displayed in my obedience and works, but fake (or manufactured evidence) is a stench in HIS nostrils (Isaiah 65:5)! 

So why do I try to be better than “my brother” when serving ALMIGHTY GOD?   All of us can offer nothing to GOD but the Sacrificial Sacrifice of the life of JESUS CHRIST!  The often underused concept of IMPUTATION is the what everyone should be talking about!  IMPUTATION is where the RIGHTEOUSNESS of JESUS is transferred to my account and my sinful lifestyle is transferred to HIS account!  

“BY GRACE” our Salvation is made possible!  The only way we can even approach HIS Throne is “BY GRACE”!  It is not because of ANYTHING I have said or done, LEST ANY MAN SHOULD BOAST!  Our finest suit of clothes, the greatest financial support, nothing we can offer to GOD will let make up for our sinful behavior and unholy lifestyles!  We can ONLY come to HIM “BY GRACE!”

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