Wednesday, May 15, 2019


Psalms 51:10-12                                    (ESV)
“10 “CREATE IN ME” a clean heart, O GOD, and renew a right spirit within ME. 
11 Cast ME not away from YOUR presence, and take not your HOLY SPIRIT from ME. 
12 Restore to ME the joy of your salvation, and uphold ME with a willing spirit.”

Many times have I written about my parents being divorced when I was four years old.  My father chose to not be apart of our lives, so we children were left to only hear things from my maternal side of the family.  However, my mother and her parents never saw fit to disparage my father, even though he refused to even check on his own offspring.  They let his actions speak for themselves.  

King David wasn’t in the same predicament as my mother.  He had committed adultery with Bathsheba while her husband was fighting for Israel in battle.  When he was writing this confessional psalm, he could only write about himself needing forgiveness, not about anyone else!  He didn’t write about the sins of Israel, or the dreadful behavior of others, his sins were what needed to be dealt with, nothing more!

There are times when I want to discuss the shortcomings of others instead of looking at my own sins!  King David wrote “CREATE IN ME”, not create in your children.  If I were to only look at my sins, I would kept busy constantly confessing those!  Instead l the enemy wants me to look at others and ignore that I am so wretched that it took JESUS HIMSELF as a sacrifice for my redemption.  JESUS “Created” ALL THINGS, so only HE can RE-CREATE us to what we should be!

Don’t become as this wretch!  Make your prayer to “CREATE IN ME” a clean heart, and let everyone else be concerned about their own hearts!  After all, you don’t want to be accountable for their sins on Judgement Day, do you?  Maybe if we learn from King David and only be concerned about our own lives, GOD might change more hearts in those surrounding us?  ONLY HE can “CREATE IN ME” anything that is good!!!

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