Friday, May 3, 2019


Romans 1:11-15                                           (ESV)
“11 For I long to see you, that I may IMPART to you some SPIRITUAL GIFT to STRENGTHEN you-
13 I do NOT want you to be “UNAWARE”, brothers, that I have often INTENDED TO COME TO YOU (but thus far HAVE BEEN PREVENTED), in order that I MAY REAP some harvest AMONG YOU as well as among the REST of the GENTILES.
14 I am under obligation both to Greeks and to barbarians, BOTH to the WISE and to the FOOLISH.
15 So I am eager to preach the gospel to you also who are in Rome.”

Recognizing that we ALL are used to Glorify ALMIGHTY GOD, no matter how Holy we live (1 Peter 1:15-16), or unholy we live (Exodus 14:4), shouldn’t surprise we who Believe Scriptures.  The HOLY BIBLE is full of instances where GOD uses all kinds of people to Glorify HIS Name, whether they realized it or not!  

The Apostle Paul wanted the body of Believers at Rome to understand that, although he was used to STRENGTHEN them, he also DREW Spiritual nourishment from them through his fellowship with them.  His desire was to come to them, but the HOLY SPIRIT hadn’t worked that out....YET!  Yes, he was planning to IMPART SPIRITUAL GIFTS to the Romans, but he also yearned for GOD to refresh himself with their fellowship.  

We can get so accustomed to filling our “prescribed” roles that we prepare to be Blessed by the ALMIGHTY through others.  GOD isn’t constrained by mankind’s limitations on HIS abilities.  Imagine how the earth would be different if we only saw what “we know” about Creation?  GOD can do whatever HE chooses (Psalms 135:6) and we (again mainly I) need to understand that HE IS GOD and I am NOT!  HE is ABLE to SEE the future, while I can’t even SEE what is going on across town!  The Brain Hemorrhage in 2007 happened and I didn’t understand what happened for months AFTER it occurred!  GOD had me write a letter supporting getting the Neurologist HE used to help keep me alive FIVE YEARS BEFORE!!!

We should REJOICE when we face those when we are able to “IMPART to you some SPIRITUAL GIFT to STRENGTHEN you”, but we also should REJOICE when we are BLESSED by GOD through the actions of others.  GOD is present in everything, even though our evil deeds.  We are inherently imperfect, and GOD IS NOT!  We do NOT be “UNAWARE” that HE is always in our presence, whether we can appreciate that or not.

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