Saturday, May 11, 2019


Isaiah 45:5-6                                           (ESV)
“5 I am the LORD, and there is no other, besides ME there is no GOD; I equip you, though “YOU DO NOT KNOW ME”, 
6 that people may know, from the rising of the sun and from the west, that there is none besides ME; I am the LORD, and there is no other.”

Scrolling through social media sites you are able to see EVERYTHING, from the Spiritually enlightened, to the radical absurd!  There was recently a post from a person saying something to the effect of “OUR reproductive rights are being erased”.  This caused me to ponder, the rights guaranteed in The Declaration of Independence  are not rights that can be added to, nor “erased”, for they come from ALMIGHTY GOD!  “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” were words that much prayer went into.  Since ALMIGHTY GOD gave us these rights, only HE “erase” those rights.  Only HE can add to them.

Now, regardless of what others may think of me, I understand that I AM NOT GOD!  Humanity must understand that we are not GOD and stop acting as though we are.  Today’s Scriptures is very plain, “I am the LORD, and there is NO OTHER!”  People, we are not GOD, even though we are Created in HIS image, or likeness.  Sometimes I act like I am in control, but we all know how things work out when I am in charge!  

I’m afraid that the reason we seem to believe that we are Almighty is because “YOU DO NOT KNOW ME”!   Of course, you meaning humans, and ME being GOD.  When our EYES are OPENED and we SEE that we are such a minuscule part of HIS CREATION, it changes the prism we are able to then look through.  Our Creator “endows” rights to us, and we are indebted to HIM for our those rights!  We MUST be more aware of who we are, but more importantly, WHO HE IS!

Regrettably, “YOU DO NOT KNOW ME” is becoming more and more widespread these days, and acknowledging HIM more taboo.  We desperately need to return to FEARING GOD, not just in words spoken, but our deeds must REFLECT that!  “YOU DO NOT KNOW ME” will not be the worst thing to hear on that day, but “Depart from ME, I NEVER KNEW YOU”!!!

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