Saturday, May 4, 2019


John 15:18-21                              (ESV)
“18 "If the world hates you, know that it has hated ME before it hated you.
19 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I CHOSE YOU OUT OF THE WORLD, therefore “THE WORLD HATES YOU”.
20 Remember the word that I said to you: 'A servant is not greater than his master.' If they persecuted ME, they will also persecute you. If they kept MY Word, they will also keep yours.
21 But all these things they will do to you on account of MY name, because they do not know HIM who sent ME.”

There is so much banter these days about “not offending” those who don’t SEE things as we Believers do.  It is as though they believe that we will “turn them off” and ruin the chances of them becoming Believers like we have?  We definitely need to LOVE , ESPECIALLY, the lost, but making it easier for them to go to HELL isn’t very loving!  We must come to the realization that we can LOVINGLY explain to them that JESUS is the ONLY answer to the problems mankind will face, both today, and in the future!  

Because “I (JESUS) CHOSE YOU OUT OF THE WORLD”, our lives should be diametrically opposed to the worldly living that unbelievers are experiencing.  ALMIGHTY GOD, our CREATOR and architect, has set it up where Believers and unbelievers don’t mix, similar to oil and water.  That is why GOD instructs Believers to share HIS WORD to those who are blinded by the enemy AND LET HIM DRAW THOSE HE SELECTS TO HIM (John 6:44). JESUS drew Saul to HIMSELF in Acts 9, but Ananias had to GO to Saul, THEN Saul’s sight was restored and he was filled with the HOLY SPIRIT (Acts 9:17)!!!

Imagine if Ananias had not wanted to offend Saul?  While it is true that JESUS CHRIST has Saul’s undivided attention, and that Saul was saved through the finished work of this same JESUS, Ananias STILL had to OBEY the HOLY SPIRIT and GO SEE a lost man who was on his way to persecute the church.  

The church must understand that we are in DIRECT OPPOSITION to the lifestyles of “this world”!  Only ALMIGHTY GOD can change a heart.  When “this world” finds out that a Believer is shining a LIGHT that is contrary to their witness, they will NATURALLY be offended!  “THIS WORLD WILL HATE YOU” does not give us permission to hate them, quite the opposite!  JESUS says in Matthew 5:44 “....Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,..”.  They hated HIM.  SINCE He lives in us, “THIS WORLD WILL HATE YOU”!!!

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