Tuesday, May 7, 2019


Numbers 23:19-20                                        (ESV)
“19 “GOD IS NOT MAN”, that HE should lie, or a son of man, that HE should change HIS mind. Has HE said, and will HE not do it? Or has HE spoken, and will HE not fulfill it? 
20 Behold, I received a command to bless: HE has blessed, and I cannot revoke it.”

How many nights has my family watched WALTER CRONKITE on the evening news when he relayed what was happening in our world?  Occasionally he would make a correction to something he had reported, having new evidence that would change the scenario.  Today, seeing the so-called “Main Stream Media” correct themselves is almost tabu, apparently because admitting they are human is unacceptable in today’s culture?

However, PRAISE HIS NAME, “GOD IS NOT MAN” so HIS WORD is dependable, and immutable!  We are instilled with DOUBT from our ancestral characteristics, all the way back to Adam and Eve.  They didn’t TRUST GOD to be GOD and our “nature” does the same thing.  It is seen as being “holy” to say that our GOD is everything we want HIM to be, but what does our “gut” really tell us?

Having shared this before, a little over two years ago when the doctor came into my room and advised that I needed to have coronary bypass surgery, a sense of FEAR began an assault on my mind.  But almost immediately, certainly within seconds, my mind recalled Genesis 50:20 where Joseph says to his brothers who sold him into slavery years before, “As for you, you meant evil against me, but GOD meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.”  GOD brought me through the bypass surgery with very little discomfort.  HE even allowed me to share HIS LOVE to some of my caregivers, as well as rekindle some very old relationships!  

To say with our lips that “GOD IS NOT MAN” is one thing, but to SHOW that “GOD IS NOT MAN” with our actions is quite another!  Don’t misunderstand me, I did not do this on my own, for I was exhausted and malnourished when the pronouncement was made to me.  ALMIGHTY GOD overcame the fear bug that attempted to control me and exhibited HIS GRACE for HIS GLORY!  “GOD IS NOT MAN”, and HE continues to prove it to, and through, me daily!!!

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