Sunday, December 15, 2019


Matthew 13:58                                      (ESV)
“And HE (JESUS) did not do many mighty works there (Nazareth), “BECAUSE OF THEIR UNBELIEF.”

In Matthew 13:54 JESUS entered HIS hometown of Nazareth and amazed, so much so that some said “Where did this man get this wisdom and these mighty works?  They knew Jesus, the son of Joseph and Mary, but they didn’t know JESUS, the SON OF GOD!!!  They couldn’t SEE HIS miraculous works “BECAUSE OF THEIR UNBELIEF”!!

Wouldn’t it be a shame if we could SEE the miracles that have we have missed all because our FAITH has not been sufficiently?   Don’t get me wrong, I have SEEN far more than my share of GOD working miracles in my life, let alone those in my circles.  The greater things that I have witnessed, the greater my FAITH has become.  Not because I am worthy or I deserve it, but because GOD has GRACED me so much with HIS MERCIES that I don’t deserve!  GOD certainly does use the weak for HIS purpose (1 Corinthians 1:27)!  

JESUS was, and still is, GOD IN THE FLESH.  We “say” that we Believe in HIM, and then we doubt that HE will accomplish what HE has said HE will do!  Since HE is GOD (and we ARE NOT!), maybe we should treat HIM like HE is WHO HE says HE is?  “BECAUSE OF THEIR UNBELIEF” the Nazarite’s were unable to SEE JESUS perform mighty works in their hometown.  Could the same be said of us???

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