Thursday, December 26, 2019


Psalms 37:1-4                                                   (ESV)
“1 “FRET NOT” yourself because of evildoers; be not envious of wrongdoers! 
2 For they will soon fade like the grass and wither like the green herb. 
3 Trust in the LORD, and DO GOOD; dwell in the land and BEFRIEND FAITHFULNESS. 
4 Delight yourself in the LORD, and HE will give you the desires of your heart.”

As I ponder the events currently transpiring in our country, to say that I am excited would be a vast understatement.  The “division” in our country is not as bad as the underworld (aka mainstream) media wants us to believe, rather our country is succeeding and they aren’t involved with the success, rather the great results are in spite of their naysaying!  My “old self” may be plotting and planning how I could be a part of the solution.  Instead, I plan on using the Exodus 14:14 approach, “The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent!”

Worrying about the plans of the evildoers is what my “old self” would revel in.  Trying to “outsmart” the ones opposing me was what I spent a lot of my time doing.  As GOD has matured me, it is evident HE has a tremendous amount left to accomplish.  HE has shown me that letting HIM deal with my adversaries is the ONLY WAY to go!  TRUSTING in the LORD takes so much stress off of a person, for GOD’s desires are ALWAYS the best solution for me!  

When we FINALLY understand that allowing GOD to work, without me interfering, vengeance is something that HE is a master at.  Loving our enemy does not mean that we should pray that they experience GOD’S vengeance.  But when we SEE that happening, we should pray that they are changed by the difficulties and start following HIS teachings.  

In my past, the LORD may have had a tough time with me doing my best to be HIS method of vengeance.  “You have only to be silent” was NOT in my vocabulary, let alone my playbook!  Learning to “FRET NOT” is a lot easier when I realize that GOD ALMIGHTY has a Plan, and I Glorify HIM when I follow my part in HIS Plan!  “FRET NOT” might mean the enemy is allowed to overtake me crossing the Red Sea......but only one people got across the Red Sea to the other side!  “FRET NOT!!!”

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