Friday, April 10, 2020


James 5:7-8                                          (ESV)
“7 BE PATIENT, therefore, brothers, until the coming of the LORD. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, “BEING PATIENT” about it, until it receives the early and the late rains.
8 You also, BE PATIENT. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the LORD is at hand.”

“BEING PATIENT” can be misunderstood by we humans.  GOD has displayed HIS omniscient providence in my life so greatly over the years, it would seem that WAITING ON HIM would come to me with very little effort.  Waiting until I was 23 years old to marry seemed like an eternity.  But GOD had a unique lady HE was preparing just for me and HE had to not only prepare me,  but HE was preparing her also.  

Have you ever seen a farmer continually unearth the seeds he has planted to check on the progress they were making?  No, he has to wait “for the precious fruit of the earth” to TRANSFORM the seeds into rewards that will benefit him and his family.  

Observing me throughout my life has been a lot like the impatient farmer.  Knowing that GOD has given me a clear indication of what HE has planned for my life isn’t good enough for me.  It seems as though I want to watch HIS handiwork develop, to SEE how HE changes everything involved in HIS plan for HIS GLORY?  I WANT TO KNOW!!!

James tells us that we must BE PATIENT, “until the coming of the LORD” and allow HIM to be GOD.  HE doesn’t need our input, OR INTERFERENCE, in working HIS Plan.  Isaiah 42:8 says “I AM THE LORD; that is MY name; MY GLORY I GIVE TO NO OTHER, nor MY praise to carved idols.”  GOD is working for my good at HIS pace.  HE will never allow me to share HIS GLORY.  Being in a coma for almost three weeks displayed to me that GOD does not need me to complete HIS PURPOSE.   “BEING PATIENT” is something HE is continuing to teach this novice!!!

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