Tuesday, April 7, 2020


Luke 22:39-44                                     (ESV)
“39 And HE (JESUS) came out and went, as was HIS custom, to the Mount of Olives, and the disciples followed HIM.
40 And when HE came to the place, HE said to them, "PRAY that you may not enter into temptation."
41 And HE withdrew from them about a stone's throw, and knelt down and prayed,
42 saying, "FATHER, if YOU are willing, remove this cup from ME. Nevertheless, not MY will, but YOURS, be done."
44 And BEING IN AGONY “HE PRAYED MORE EARNESTLY”; and HIS sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground.”

The CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES, the CREATOR of my life, was nearing the time of HIS betrayal by Judas, and a time when nobody would stand with HIM.  HIS arrest would occur in minutes, yet HE was still instructing the disciples to “Pray that you may not enter into temptation."  HE was about to face a death where HE would be brutalized, yet “HE PRAYED MORE EARNESTLY”!

Why did JESUS dread HIS journey so greatly?  What about the next three days troubled HIM so?  Could it be that defeating the enemy could be scarier than HE thought?  Could it be that HE was scared that HE would fail?  Me being a Spiritual novice, when GOD turned HIS back on the my sins, which were IMPUTED on JESUS, HE had to not look upon them because of HIS HOLY nature.  JESUS did nothing to warrant rejection, except HE took on the sins of the whole world!  Knowing HIS time was near, JESUS was an “angel from heaven” ministering to HIM, literally strengthening HIM.  

Luke 23:44-45 says “It was now about the sixth hour, and THERE WAS DARKNESS OVER THE WHOLE LAND until the ninth hour, while the SUN’S LIGHT FAILED. And the curtain (veil) of the temple was torn in two.”  As JESUS was “offered up” as the ULTIMATE sacrifice for our sins, the LIGHT OF THE WORLD was darkened, and THERE WAS DARKNESS OVER THE WHOLE LAND!  JESUS had never experienced being alone before, and only now HE knew what it felt like.  We are BLESSED beyond measure that the DARKNESS only lasted for three hours.  Can you imagine the panic IF the SON (sun) had not ever shone again???

COVID-19 has caused a lot of panic, and the devastation could be far worse, save for JESUS being on HIS THRONE!  One day SOON however, HIS patience with us will be over and our time to repent will be past. Right now “HE PRAYED MORE EARNESTLY” can still be felt.  One day soon the SON will return to claim HIS OWN and the ones that rejected HIM will receive their just rewards.  In John 17:9, JESUS prays to the FATHER “I am praying for them (YOUR PEOPLE). I am not praying for the world but for those whom you have given ME, for they are YOURS”. Are you one of HIS PEOPLE, the people “HE PRAYED MORE EARNESTLY” for?  Just as JESUS knew HIS time was near, the church should likewise know HIS appearing is upon us!!!

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