Sunday, April 19, 2020


Since a lot of churches are doing since “Social Distancing”, which has been strongly encouraged by our government, our fellowship has a Sunday message by the pastor with a few songs to get us through the week posted on Social Media.  This weeks message had one verse that really stood out for me.  It was Mark 1:35 which says “And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, HE (JESUS) departed and went out to a desolate place, and there HE prayed”.  

While ruminating over this verse my mind could not get past the fact that GOD IN THE FLESH (JESUS) evidently yearned to be alone with GOD so much that HE got up early in the morning and departed to a desolate place and prayed.  Scripture doesn’t say that HE sang choruses or hymns, it doesn’t say that HE played the favorite instruments of the time, only that HE PRAYED!  Why can’t we SEE that GOD chiefly wants our attention, and after HE gets that, then HE will direct our praises!  

Our pastor also shared a story today about Mother Teresa being interviewed by Dan Rather.  The story goes like this.  “Dan Rather, CBS anchor, once asked Mother Teresa what she said during her prayers. She answered, "I listen." So Dan turned the question and asked, "Well then, what does God say?"  Mother Teresa smiled with confidence and answered, "He listens." For an instant, Dan didn't know what to say. "And if you don't understand that," Mother Teresa added, "I can't explain it to you.”

Exodus 14:14 is a verse that I often quote.  It states “The LORD will fight for you, and YOU HAVE ONLY TO BE SILENT."  We spend so much time and resources trying to present the perfect offering of praise to GOD, and all HE wants is for us to listen to HIM!  We might be more convinced that “the LORD will fight for us” if we would JUST BE SILENT?  

GOD has orchestrated events to allow us plenty of time to LISTEN to HIM.  We think we NEED to get back to work and get the economy roaring again.  But we may need to TRUST GOD for our provision and spend time LISTENING TO HIM???

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