Friday, April 24, 2020


John 8:12                                        (ESV)
“Again JESUS spoke to them, saying, " I AM “THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD”. Whoever follows ME will NOT WALK IM DARKNESS, but will have the LIGHT of life.”

How many people would walk into a strange room in the middle of the night without turning on the light to identify possible obstructions?  Having large feet, such obstructions have a way of finding my feet, regardless of my carefulness.  The wisest thing for me to do is to turn the light on so I can see those obstructions!   

In life, we have the opportunity to have “THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD” illuminate our paths.  Sure, we can try to navigate our way through the obstructions in life, but HIS SPIRIT is available to guide and protect us if we will submit to HIS leadership.  Having the CREATOR as our tour guide is a wonderful experience.  But, just like turning the light on in a dark room, we have to submit to HIM to reap the benefits of “THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD”!  

Knowing “THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD” on a personal basis it makes me wonder how people world reject HIS offer to help them?  All HE wants to do is help us, but some CHOOSE to stumble through the darkness trying to figure things out all on our own.  On January 08, 1978 I was tired of the struggle and cried out to JESUS to take control of my life.  Now I continue to find myself trying to take over and do what I THINK is best, but HE guides me EVEN when I am battling HIM to go another way.  

Why would a “dirt dumb country boy” think he would know better than “THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD”?  Obviously, I am not as brilliant as JESUS.  So why do I constantly try to make my plans come to happen?  Doing what we think is best will only lead to trouble.  Proverbs 16:25 says “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death!”  Unless we follow “THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD”, we are doomed to not achieving what GOD has planned for our lives.  

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