Wednesday, April 29, 2020


Genesis 50:19-21                                       (ESV)
“19 But Joseph said to them, "DO NOT FEAR, FOR AM I IN THE PLACE OF GOD?
20 As for you, YOU MEANT EVIL against me, “BUT GOD” meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.
21 So DO NOT FEAR; I will provide for you and your little ones." Thus he comforted them and spoke kindly to them.”

When we encounter difficulties in life, our natural reaction is to withdraw and reconsider our chosen path.  After all, nobody wants to go through the pain of turmoil, especially if they can avoid it.  

In Genesis 37, Joseph was sent to his older brothers by his father to see how they were getting along watching after their fathers sheep.  His obedience would soon cause doubt as to the its wisdom. Scripture tells us that the brothers of Joseph hated him, chiefly because his father loved him so much.  Of course, Joseph was thrown into a well, then sold into slavery by his brothers, and eventually wound up giving them grain when a famine struck their homeland.  

GOD has a Plan for our lives.  HIS Plan for Joseph was for him to provide “for you and your little ones”, as well as for “many people”!  But HIS Plan also involved Joseph being sold into slavery, being wrongly accused by Potiphar’s wife, and all kinds of difficulties, all for the glory of GOD!  The “BUT GOD” factor was never seen by Joseph’s brothers, Potiphar’s wife, or even Pharaoh!  Joseph had FAITH that GOD would accomplish HIS Plan and he was CONVINCED that GOD would deliver on that Plan!

When we experience trials and tribulations, we must keep in mind that GOD IS IN CONTROL, even in what we see as bad times!  Not just sometimes, but ALL OF THE TIME!  The data bank for ALMIGHTY GOD is infinite.  HE has NO LIMITATIONS, including human minds or intellect.  Why do we try to limit HIS abilities to what we THINK HE can accomplish?  The brothers of Joseph, Potiphar’s wife, the inmates of the prison where Joseph was kept, they ALL thought their confines would stop him!  “BUT GOD” had a Plan!

Remember, “BUT GOD” is the premier, absolute POWER and HE has the last word.  Nothing is final until “BUT GOD” says that it is!!

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