Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Isaiah 48:9-11                                  (ESV)
“9 "For MY name's sake I defer MY anger; for the sake of MY praise I restrain it for you, that I may not cut you off.
10 Behold, I HAVE REFINED YOU, but not as silver; I have tried you in “THE FURNACE OF AFFLICTION”.
11 For MY own sake, for MY own sake, I do it, for how should MY name be profaned? MY glory I will not give to another.”

“THE FURNACE OF AFFLICTION” are the focal words of this devotional, but “For MY name’s sake I defer MY anger” could be used as well!  GOD is speaking to/through Isaiah in this passage and HE is very plain that HE restrains HIS anger “for the sake of MY praise”!

We have nothing except our lives to offer HIM, yet we spend our time and efforts trying to build a retirement or to amass wealth when we are not guaranteed our next breath!  GOD is rather straightforward when HE says in verses ten and eleven “Behold, I HAVE REFINED YOU, but not as silver; I have tried you in “THE FURNACE OF AFFLICTION”.  For MY own sake, for MY own sake, I do it, for how should MY name be profaned? MY glory I will not give to another.”   We seem to have lost sight of our mission of being left on earth after HE CHOSE us?  We claim to be Believers that JESUS is our Savior, yet we are not SEPARATED from the rest of “this world”?

John 13:35 states “By this all people will know that you are MY disciples, if you have love for one another."  Yet how much LOVE do we have when we allow others to enter eternal damnation with little or no sorrow on our part?  “THE FURNACE OF AFFLICTION” is used by GOD to REFINE us to bring HIM Glory.  We seem to always think that GOD is angry with us when the way is uncomfortable, but in reality HE may be directing our paths to Glorify HIS Kingdom?

Since I have been CHOSEN by ALMIGHTY GOD from the foundation of the world, HIS wrath will not be directed to me.  HIS wrath for me was paid in full by JESUS on Calvary.  “For MY name's sake I defer MY anger” is talking about those who have yet to have their EYES opened, to listen to HIS SPIRIT gently calling to them.  “THE FURNACE OF AFFLICTION” we face on earth cannot compare to “THE FURNACE OF AFFLICTION” that awaits those who reject JESUS as LORD!  Please consider the consequences and CHOOSE wisely which “FURNACE OF AFFLICTION” you will be subjected to??

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