Thursday, April 30, 2020


John 17:6-9                                          (ESV)
“6 "I have manifested YOUR name to the people whom YOU gave ME out of the world. YOURS they were, and YOU gave them to ME, and they have kept YOUR WORD.
7 Now they know that everything that YOU have given ME is from YOU.
8 For I have given them the WORDS that YOU gave ME, and they have received them and have come to know in truth that I came from YOU; and they have believed that YOU sent ME.
9 “I AM PRAYING FOR THEM”. I am not praying for the world but for those whom YOU have given ME, for they are YOURS.”

Listening to a devotional recently given by a man of GOD who I deeply respect, the SPIRIT spoke to me when John 17:9 was read, “I AM PRAYING FOR THEM”.  I AM NOT PRAYING FOR THE WORLD but for those whom YOU have given ME, for they are YOURS.”  This is from the High Priestly Prayer that JESUS prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36) just before HIS arrest.  

The phrase that jolted me was JESUS, the ONE WHO spoke the worlds into existence (Colossians 1:16), the SON of the living GOD, prays just before HE was headed to Calvary, “I AM PRAYING FOR THEM”!!  JESUS was about to face brutality indescribable, yet HE said “I AM PRAYING FOR THEM” right before HIS persecution and crucifixion.  Now I am not royalty or of noble bloodlines, yet THE KING OF GLORY took time out of HIS HIGH PRIESTLY PRAYER to pray for me at what had to be a very dark hour for HIM?  What was HE thinking???

In John 17:6 JESUS prayed “I have manifested YOUR name to the people whom YOU gave ME OUT OF THE WORLD. YOURS they were, and YOU gave them to ME, and they have kept YOUR WORD”.  HE loved us so much that HE knew that the only way for us to spend eternity with HIM was to offer HIMSELF as THE PERFECT SACRIFICE on Calvary.  We were called OUT OF THE WORLD to reflect HIS LIGHT, not to act just like the world!  

To have our EYES opened to SEE that JESUS prayed for us just before HIS torment and crucifixion just blows my mind!  And to further realize that HE STILL intercedes for us (Romans 8:34) should let us all know that HE is interested in us.  JESUS says “I AM PRAYING FOR THEM” for a reason, for us to know that we are not alone in our service for HIS KINGDOM!  We have THE CREATOR saying “I AM PRAYING FOR THEM”!!!

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