Tuesday, April 28, 2020


Lamentations 3:22-24                           (ESV)
“22 The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; HIS mercies never come to an end; 
23 they are new every morning; great is YOUR faithfulness. 
24 "The LORD is my portion," says my soul, "therefore “I WILL HOPE IN HIM”."”

My prayer list has a statement on it that I sometimes gloss over, “Do you want to live a life without hope”?  The emphasis might be placed on the word HOPE in this statement, but HOPE isn’t worth anything if it is misplaced!  We can HOPE that we won’t get sick and die, but sooner or later (if the LORD tarries HIS return), we will ALL die!  We can HOPE that our offspring are successful and prosperous, but in reality they make decisions that they alone are responsible for.  

“I WILL HOPE IN HIM” (the LORD) is a sentence where HOPE is overshadowed by the ONE in WHOM our HOPE is placed!  The LORD (GOD) is all encompassing.  HE is everything for every possible situation.  “HIS mercies never come to an end.”  “The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases”, so what more is there that is needed to survive?  When our EYES are opened to fully grasp HIS Providence, HIS LOVE, and HIS guidance to the least of us, we can begin to understand that GOD is there all along, not just when we cry out to HIM.  

In Genesis, Abraham didn’t have the history of everything GOD had performed like we have, yet he “never wavered” in his Belief that GOD would do exactly what HE promised!  Abraham had a HOPE, and an ASSURANCE, that the PROMISE he had from GOD was going to happen, no matter how much doubt the enemy tried to cloud his mind with.  Genesis 15:6 says “And he (Abraham) BELIEVED the LORD, and HE counted it to him as righteousness”.  

When GOD gives us a PROMISE, we can rest assured that it WILL HAPPEN!  One translation of the BIBLE says “The smallest of them will become a family.  The weakest of them will become a might nation.  At the right time I, YAHWEH, WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN QUICKLY”!!!  

My faith doesn’t make me better than others, nor does it mean that I am holier than them.  What it does mean is that “I WILL HOPE IN HIM”, THE CREATOR and SUSTAINER of life, and what HE has said, l know HE WILL DO!!!

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