Tuesday, April 21, 2020


1 Corinthians 2:9-10                           (ESV)
“9 But, as it is written, "What “NO EYE HAS SEEN”, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what GOD has prepared for those who love HIM"- 
10 these things GOD has revealed to us through the SPIRIT. For the SPIRIT searches everything, even the depths of GOD.”

When a person leaves “this world” a huge void is frequently left amongst their loved ones.  I say frequently because of personal experience.  Two women who I loved Immensely departed earth with similar feelings.  My younger sister left in December 1996 and she did so with an assurance that almost shook me to my core.   When speaking about going to Heaven, she said the first Person she wanted to see was JESUS!  I grieved because I couldn’t do anything to help her remain here?!?

In July 2007 I experienced a “massive brain hemorrhage”.  Being even more Brain Damaged in the following months, I was literally unable to process it seven months later when my doctor told my mom she had cancer.  But she looked at me and said “You’re not putting a drop of that poison in me”!  Twenty-two days later she abandoned her earthly body and entered into her eternal reward.  I rejoiced because she was relieved her suffering and was SET FREE for eternity!  

While it is true that I was 11 years older when my mom died than my little sister, knowing that both been CHOSEN by GOD to spend eternity with HIM makes me wonder why I ever grieved for her?  They have both gone to a place that “”NO EYE HAS SEEN”, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagine” prepared for them by JESUS!  Why would I want them here with me???

The Apostle Peter writes about Paul in 2 Peter 3:16 where he states “There are some things in them (Scriptures) that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable TWIST TO THEIR OWN DESTRUCTION, as they do the other Scriptures.”  Not everyone can SEE the things of Heaven.  But “NO EYE HAS SEEN” the majesty, the perfection, the complete awesomeness that awaits we who also have been CHOSEN!  Songs have been written, stories have been told, dreams have been dreamed, but “NO EYE HAS SEEN” what HE has prepared for us!  Why don’t we focus on that instead of the separation from those who remain???

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