Sunday, June 7, 2020


Romans 11:1                                             (KJV)
“Now “FAITH” is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen..”

Bishop Robert E Smith Sr text last evening... “In the midst of a crisis, CHRIST rebukes FAITHlessness in the hearts of HIS disciples (Mark 9:19); and later asked the question will I find FAITH on earth when I return (Luke 18:8).”

Defining words is something that is crucial to understanding what is being said to us.  The greatest example in using the word “FAITH” in my life happened when I had nothing to contribute to the matter!  My wife was told by the Neurosurgeon who placed the “shunt” in my brain that the procedure went great and that I was going to be fine.  She just KNEW that I would be okay!  She now says that she didn’t know exactly what fine was, but she knew that everything was going to be what GOD Planned for it to be!  One of my doctors thought that she was the Brain Damaged one for he said to himself that I was NOT going to be fine, IF I LIVED!  Thirteen years later and the results are indisputable.  Although there are moments that I don’t function as well as desired, I have all of my physical abilities and most of my mental faculties.

My wife says that she is not a great person of “FAITH”!  However she is an example of JUST KNOWING that everything is going to be fine.  Doctors who thought that I would be “brain damaged” are left saying that she was right, that I did recover quiet nicely.  The example of JESUS speaking to HIS disciples in Mark came when they were “in the midst of a crisis”!  It has to be an insult to our CREATOR to be ANXIOUS about what we don’t KNOW!  HIS WORD tells us many times that HE IS IN CONTROL!  Do we assume that GOD is not in charge of what is going on?

Whatever the scenario that is brought up, we can rest assured that GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL and HIS NAME will be Glorified!  That, my friend, is “FAITH”, just knowing that it is going to be alright!  Whether COVID-19, riots, earthquakes, or any number of salacious events, the ONE WHO lives IN ME (John 17:23) is the ONE in charge!  Why should I FEAR????

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