Thursday, June 11, 2020


John 14:5-7                                          (ESV)
“5 Thomas said to HIM, "LORD, we do not know where YOU are going. HOW CAN WE KNOW THE WAY?"
6 JESUS said to him, "I am the WAY, and “THE TRUTH”, and the LIFE. No one comes to the FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME.
7 If you had known ME, you would have known MY FATHER also. From now on you do know HIM and have seen HIM." 

Yesterday morning I listened to Pastor John MacArthur preach a sermon entitled “Who’s to blame for the riots”?   There can be differing OPINIONS on this subject, but the TRUTH is indisputable.  An OPINION is defined as “a view or judgment formed about something, NOT NECESSARILY based on fact or knowledge.  TRUTH is defined as “the body of REAL THINGS, EVENTS, and FACTS : ACTUALITY”.  Being able to SEE “THE TRUTH” is a gift from GOD, lest anyone should boast, something that everyone should remember!  

I am only responsible for one person!  ME!  The President’s actions are not my responsibility. The lost and unregenerate are not my responsibility.  The members of my church are not the responsibility of the pastor or leaders of the church. One day we will ALL be held accountable for our own actions, NO ONE ELSE!!!  

One’s OPINION is only their point of view , until and unless you accept it as your own!  It doesn’t have to be based on TRUTH.  In fact, by definition an OPINION is “NOT NECESSARILY based on fact or knowledge.”  When we allow our OPINIONS to escape for others to filter, we are allowing something NOT NECESSARILY based on fact or knowledge” to be considered instead of TRUTH!  

JESUS says in John 14:6 “I am the WAY, “THE TRUTH”, and the LIFE”!  HE is the only example of “THE TRUTH” that can be trusted in life.  “No one comes to the FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME”.  Everything else is subject to changing, or better yet, subject to “THE TRUTH”!  Politicians, Pastors, and basically People in general are not “the body of REAL THINGS, EVENTS, and FACTS”!  They are ALL broken and undone.  Humanity and all of its imaginations are creations for HIS Glory.  We must open our EYES and SEE that HE is “THE TRUTH” and nothing else can be substituted for HIM!  

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