Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Isaiah 64:8                                                         (ESV)
“But now, O LORD, YOU are our FATHER; we are the clay, and “YOU ARE OUR POTTER”; WE ARE ALL THE WORK OF YOUR HAND.”

This verse speaks so loudly, but sometimes we (mainly I) don’t listen as we should.  We become so involved, busy, maybe even caught up in living our lives that we don’t take time to get proper instructions on how our CREATOR would have us grow and become.  Trying to BE ALL WE CAN BE might be a good slogan for a branch of the military, but we cannot SEE the future and we are at HIS MERCY when our future is in question.  

Remembering July 05, 2007 illustrates this more clearly than ever, but only when I take time to ponder things in a Heavenly perspective.  Dreams of starting a Non-Profit to help disadvantaged kids get through childhood and through college were flooding my mind, AND MY PLANS!  Personal gain wasn’t the main focus, building productive young people who didn’t have the support system needed was.  But July 09, 2007 I awoke to a “massive brain hemorrhage” and GOD displayed to me that HE WAS IN CONTROL of not only my future, but everything else in the world! 

When my EYES were finally OPENED to the TRUTH that “YOU ARE OUR POTTER”, and YOU ARE IN CONTROL, only then would the realization that unless MY PLANS must be within YOUR PLANS before success would visit my efforts!  A potter may have to tear down and reshape a piece of clay many times before the vessel achieves what the person molding it envisions. Only when it is what the MOLDER intends can it be finished.  

Only when we come to the realization that we are NOT in charge of our future can we surrender to the CREATOR and acknowledge that “YOU ARE OUR POTTER”!  GOD is the ONE directing our paths, and we are simply vessels used for HIS GLORY.  Proverbs 19:21 states “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand.”  “YOU ARE OUR POTTER”, so make me into a vessel that Glorifies YOUR NAME!!!

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