Monday, June 1, 2020



Sovereignty of God is the Christian teaching that God is the supreme authority and all things are under His control. ... Easton's Bible Dictionary defines God's Sovereignty as His "absolute right to do all things according to his own good pleasure."

Isaiah 46:8-11                                                  (ESV)
“8 "Remember this and stand firm, recall it to mind, you transgressors, 
9 remember the former things of old; for “I AM GOD”, and there is no other; “I AM GOD”, and THERE IS NONE LIKE ME, 
10 declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, 'MY counsel shall stand, and I WILL ACCOMPLISH ALL MY PURPOSE',
11 calling a bird of prey from the east, the man of MY counsel from a far country. I have spoken, and I WILL BRING IT TO PASS; I have purposed, and I will do it.”

With all of the turmoil, confusion and strife gripping our nation and our world, one would suppose that most of the church should be in hiding, almost afraid to alienate “this world” and its operatives?  But realizing WHO we are left on earth to represent should give us BOLDNESS unimaginable!  In John 17:23, JESUS prays to the FATHER, “I in them and YOU in ME, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that YOU sent ME and loved them even as YOU loved ME.”  

There is only ONE WHO has SOVEREIGNTY over every one and everything.  An earthly leader cannot control the spirit of a person!  The only person I have control over is me, and I found out that I am NOT IN CHARGE of me in 2007!  Changing another’s heart is beyond me, it is only something that JESUS can accomplish.  My wife, my children and grandchildren, my friends, although they are all loved greatly by me, they ALL have to answer the CALLING of JESUS, or reject HIM.  When we accept our CALLING (as Saul did in Acts 9), we are changed (transformed) by the HOLY SPIRIT for HIS GLORY!  

Since we have JESUS CHRIST living inside of us, shouldn’t we live as Victorious Warriors?  Instead act like we are afraid to breathe for FEAR of offending “the enemy” or his minions!  JESUS had to yield up HIS SPIRIT (Luke 23:46) as a sacrificial offering to complete GOD’s Plan though!  Although HE made everything that was made (Colossians 1:16), we needed ATONEMENT that ONLY HE could provide! In HIS “SOVEREIGNTY”, HE defeated death, hell and the grave for we who are HIS CHOSEN! “... all things are under His control”, and HE has the “absolute right to do all things according to his own good pleasure”.  JESUS IS SOVEREIGN!!!  We are NOT!  

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