Wednesday, June 3, 2020


2 Corinthians 5:16-17                              (ESV)
“16 “FROM NOW ON”, therefore, WE REGARD (KNOW) NO ONE ACCORDING TO THE FLESH.  Even though we once regarded CHRIST according to the flesh, we regard HIM thus no longer.
17 Therefore, IF ANYONE IS IN CHRIST, he is a new creation. The old has PASSED AWAY; behold, the new has come.”

The video above was shared a few days ago on my Facebook wall with no commentary.  With current events transpiring as they have, the message will not allow my Spirit to let this rest without addressing the issues at hand.  

It seems everyone is telling anyone who will listen that racial segregation is wrong?  In the two minute video above, Rev. Voddie Bauchman explains very adeptly that all humans are of the same race, only with different amounts of MELANIN in our physical makeups!  

The Apostle Paul writes in this letter to the church at Corinth that “FROM NOW ON”, THEREFORE, WE REGARD (KNOW) NO ONE ACCORDING TO THE FLESH”.  Breaking this down piece by piece, “FROM NOW ON” means since our EYES have been opened, since we NOW can SEE!  When Believers can understand a TRUTH, it is simply through the Grace of GOD, not because we are more worthy than others!  

The word THEREFORE... I was told anytime you see that word you need to see what it is “there for”!  SINCE WE BELONG TO CHRIST (verse 14 begins with “For the love of CHRIST controls us”), we should allow HIM to TRANSFORM our lives into the tools that HE can use FOR HIS GLORY, not our preconceived ideological views!  A brother shared this with me around 2014, but GOD continues to OPEN MY EYES to SEE the TRUTHS of HIS WORD!

Finally, WE REGARD (KNOW) NO ONE ACCORDING TO THE FLESH!  I am “lovingly” known as BIG RAY.  Hopefully it is because I am 6’6” tall, and not so much because I weigh 300lbs???  Scripture says that we should not REGARD others by their outward appearances.  We should be so SPIRIT driven that we chiefly SEE the SPIRIT living inside of them.   This is not something that happens because we want it to, for Satan definitely DOESN’T want us to mature IN CHRIST!  He prefers us to be carnally driven, controlled by him.  For most of my life I allowed myself to operate in this manner.  

When GOD OPENS our EYES to SEE the TRUTHS of HIS WORD, our perspective, our entire lives change to reflect HIM.  Does JESUS see the shade of pigment (melanin) of our skin?  No, and neither should I !!!  “FROM NOW ON” we should SEE others as JESUS SEES them, by their SPIRIT!!!

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