Friday, June 26, 2020


2 Corinthians 5:16               
“From now on, therefore, WE REGARD NO ONE ACCORDING TO THE FLESH. Even though we once regarded CHRIST according to the flesh, we regard HIM thus no longer”

“Wherefore henceforth KNOW WE NO MAN AFTER THE FLESH: yea, though we have known CHRIST after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we HIM no more.”

“So from now on WE REGARD NO ONE ACCORDING TO THE FLESH. Although we once regarded CHRIST in this way, we do so no longer.”

“Therefore from now on “WE RECOGNIZE NO ONE ACCORDING TO THE FLESH”; even though we have known CHRIST according to the flesh, yet now we know HIM in this way no longer.”

“So from now on WE REGARD NO ONE FROM A WORLDLY POINT OF VIEW. Though we once regarded CHRIST in this way, we do so no longer.”

Never have I listed five (5) translations of the same verse all at once.  With all of the uproar over skin color, how can we justify calling someone white, black, Asian, European, Arabic, or anything else with this Scripture verse in our memory banks!  Sure, “this world” doesn’t follow Scripture, but at least the church should?  The NASB gets the point across rather plainly to this humble servant, “WE RECOGNIZE NO ONE ACCORDING TO THE FLESH”!  

All of us RECOGNIZE people of ALL colors who are Believers, Saved, Born Again, Regenerated, or whatever else we RECOGNIZE them as.  Most of us CHOOSE the words that come from our mouths.  (MOST OF US!).  We either CHOOSE to honor GOD and HIS WORD, or we CHOOSE to use A WORLDLY POINT OF VIEW!  

For FAR TOO LONG I have tried to be “non-offensive”, letting others go down whatever path they CHOSE!  But Romans 10:14 says how can THEY know unless someone tells them?  As humans, we are CREATED by a HOLY GOD!  We don’t get to CHOOSE our skin color, our parents, nor our heritage.  We ALL are given the opportunity in life to CHOOSE the ONLY THING that can OPEN our EYES to SEE TRUTH!  Will you “RECOGNIZE NO ONE ACCORDING TO THE FLESH”, or continue looking at them through A WORLDLY POINT OF VIEW?  How will you CHOOSE???

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