Saturday, February 19, 2022



Psalm 46:10                     (ESV)

    “[10] “BE STILL, and KNOW THAT I AM GOD.

        “I WILL BE EXALTED” among the nations,

        “I WILL BE EXALTED” in the earth!””

As we are COMMANDED to BE STILL in the Scripture Verse above, what follows this directive?  We KNOW THAT I AM GOD means that we should LIVE this TRUTH in our lives, but that portion of the verse is following a comma, meaning that the sentence isn’t complete.  When the next sentence begins, immediately we are told “I WILL BE EXALTED” among the nations, “I WILL BE EXALTED” in the earth!”

When we encounter anything that precludes “I WILL BE EXALTED”, we have more than likely witnessed someone or something trying to elevate their agenda in front of KNOWING THAT I AM GOD!  ALMIGHTY GOD has to CONTINUALLY adjust my lifestyle from the “hurried” pace that “this world” prefers to what HE desires and wishes me to operate in.  My “plans” and “imaginations” can be “seen” as something that GOD would desire, but GOD is NOT limited to the thoughts and dreams of mortals, HIS PLAN is what HE will BLESS!!

In my mortal “vision” the future can appear bleak and worrisome.  The Children of Israel were leaving Egypt AND THE PILLAR OF CLOUD and THE PILLAR OF FIRE was there to LEAD them where they should be going!  GOD knew that the Israelites were going to have to TRUST HIM at the Red Sea, but HE also knew that HE was going to be GLORIFIED on the other side of the waters!  The words “I WILL BE EXALTED” could have been spoken when GOD told Moses that HE would get Glory over Pharaoh and all his hosts in Exodus 14:4!  

When our path grows busy and hurried with the “cares” of this world, GOD might be directing us to BE STILL and to KNOW that “I WILL BE EXALTED”!  The plans we attempt to put into place WILL NOT come to fruition without GOD “parting the Red Sea” for us!  We need to have the understanding that “I WILL BE EXALTED” is what we need to be looking for, not our ideas and goals might be.  We need to surrender what we want while making certain that “I WILL BE EXALTED” is the ultimate goal!!!

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