Wednesday, February 23, 2022



Exodus 12:35-36              (ESV)

“The people of Israel had also done as        Moses told them, for THEY HAD ASKED the Egyptians for silver and gold jewelry and for clothing. And the LORD HAD GIVEN THE PEOPLE FAVOR in the sight of the Egyptians, so that THEY LET THEM HAVE WHAT THEY ASKED. Thus “THEY PLUNDERED THE EGYPTIANS”.”

Doing things for myself has always been a DEFAULT for me, especially when PRIDE was involved!  However, remembering my recovery process from the Brain Hemorrhage in 2007, my inhibitions were seemingly vanished as my brain was “in a fog” where I was simply doing what I was requested to do!  It wasn’t that I was thinking that I needed to cooperate with others, I simply did my best to perform whatever was requested of me!  Although I was STILL the same man, I was DEFINITELY operating at a different level!  

The Children of Israel had been “enslaved” by the Egyptians for 430 years!  GOD ALMIGHTY had the Egyptians SIMPLY “surrender” their gold, silver and clothing!  But Israel has to ASK for what GOD told them was there’s from the Egyptians to RECEIVE what GOD had planned for them!  Scripture records “for they had asked the Egyptians” for silver and gold jewelry and for clothing before “they plundered the Egyptians.”  The WORD OF GOD gives us that which is required to increase our FAITH, for the GLORY OF GOD.  There isn’t a magic potion that is applied for GOD to act, simply FAITH IN HIM is required!

Obviously we know from Scripture how things transpired over the next few days so long ago.  The “enslaved” Israelites were soon released from captivity and GOD led them to the Red Sea (and beyond!) to CONTINUE delivering them from “the enemy”!  We too should “boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses so that the POWER OF  CHRIST may rest upon me”! (2 Corinthians 12:9). When the POWER OF CHRIST was upon the Children of Israel, they were UNDEFEATED!!!

There are times when we are asked to demonstrate THE POWER OF CHRIST to “this world” by doing WHAT WE ARE TOLD!  If we want to be UNDEFEATED, there is no other way!  The Israelites were not a mighty warrior, but “THEY PLUNDERED THE EGYPTIANS” in their home country!  We need to have FAITH that the same GOD that delivered the Israelites is STILL on HIS THRONE!  “THEY PLUNDERED THE EGYPTIANS” can happen today, IF WE HAVE FAITH in the same GOD!!!

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