Thursday, February 24, 2022


 Exodus 33:11                     (ESV)

“[11] Thus the LORD used to speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend. When Moses turned again into the camp, his assistant Joshua the son of Nun, a young man, “WOULD NOT DEPART FROM THE TENT!.”

Briefly this morning, Joshua was “a young man”, still having his relationship with GOD ALMIGHTY developed.  Moses, on the other hand, was older and had more experience HEARING FROM GOD “during the battle”.  The ability of Moses to HEAR FROM GOD when things became more “chaotic” had been grown through a myriad of trials.  Joshua hadn’t experienced some of the same things, therefore he didn’t possess the same abilities to know when ALMIGHTY GOD was speaking to him.  

There are some who are “up in years” who STILL are unable to HEAR FROM GOD!  FATHER IN HEAVEN, cause this lowly servant to be one who can HEAR FROM GOD even after I have DEPARTED FROM THE TENT!  Cause me to GROW to where I “no longer” am one who “WOULD NOT DEPART FROM THE TENT”, but will ALWAYS seek YOUR GUIDANCE in life!!!

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