Thursday, February 3, 2022


 Proverbs 3:11-12                    (ESV)

   “ [11] My son, do not despise the LORD’s discipline

        or be weary of HIS reproof, 

    [12] for “THE LORD REPROVES” him whom HE loves,

        as a father the son in whom he delights.”

Recently I was exposed to the song “Praise YOU in this Storm” by Casting Crowns while perusing a social media site. A line in the song says “Praise the GOD WHO gives and takes away”, which caused me to meditate on whether a loving GOD would actually “take away” items that we consider “necessary” when in all actuality HE IS ALL WE NEED!!!

A few minutes later my EYES were OPENED to SEE that we often choose the “Storms” we experience because we allow ourselves to be sucked into the vortex of “this world” instead of BEING STILL (Psalms 46:10)!  There are times when I find myself ALMOST REQUIRED to BE STILL, with my health, finances, or not being able to SEE A WAY through circumstances that MIGHT BE sent by “the enemy”, or MIGHT BE sent by ALMIGHTY GOD to strengthen my FAITH?!?

GOD is NOT limited by our feeble understanding of HIS WORD!  This is why it is IMPERATIVE that we continually search HIS WORD for directions for when and where we need to move!  We are instructed NOT to “be weary of HIS reproof”, or disapproval, but to allow HIM to lead us where HE desires us to go to GLORIFY HIS NAME!  Could that cause us pain and trouble?  Did it cause JESUS the same?  

We MUST realize that we are not here for our own comfort and luxury, but to GLORIFY our CREATOR!  “THE LORD REPROVES” him who HE loves, and if me going through a bit of turmoil gains HIM GLORY, I will weather the storm!  “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master” Matthew 25:21 states.  Since GOD “spoke” these world’s into existence, when “THE LORD REPROVES” me, HE is hopefully and prayerfully making me more like JESUS!!

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