Monday, February 28, 2022



Exodus 33:11                         (ESV)

“[11] Thus the LORD used to speak to Moses face to face, as “A MAN SPEAKS TO HIS FRIEND”. When Moses turned again into the camp, his assistant Joshua the son of Nun, a young man, would not depart from the tent.”

Who is your “best friend”?  Is it a childhood friend, or a close friend of adulthood, or for those of us who are married, isn’t it the one the ALMIGHTY CREATOR joined us with to “complete” us.  Genesis 2:24 says “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and THEY SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH”!  IN CHRIST we SHOULD be ONE FLESH when we are joined in HOLY MATRIMONY, therefore loving our spouse should be easy as THEY ARE APART OF US!  

YAHWEH IS COMPLETE, so the need for a spouse doesn’t exist for HIM.  A Bible Study I was recently reading had a statement that caused me to pause and consider my existence. “Recognize that GOD has created you for a “close friendship” with HIMSELF.”  My mind immediately was drawn to the above Scripture where it is recorded “the LORD used to speak to Moses face to face, as “A MAN SPEAKS TO HIS FRIEND””.  ALMIGHTY GOD doesn’t “need” a spouse, but WE ARE CREATED to communicate with OUR CREATOR, much like when “the LORD used to speak to Moses face to face”.  

How is it feasible that in the finiteness of humanity that we supposedly “don’t have time” to converse with our CREATOR?  Our very existence comes from HIM, yet we “think” (and some actually believe!) that we have to “get ahead in ‘this world”?  We should be doing as those around the Throne in Revelation 4:8 when they proclaim “HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, is the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, WHO was and is and is to come!”  HOW CAN WE elect to put ANYTHING above speaking with the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES WHO CREATED us to fellowship with as “A MAN SPEAKS TO HIS FRIEND”? 

Outside of JESUS. my wife is the greatest Blessing I have ever experienced.  Does she get told that enough?  Regrettably NO!  It is not that she isn’t worthy or deserving, it is that in my humanity I don’t have the ability to speak how much she means to me.  My “friendship” with THE CREATOR is under appreciated as well.  Like my wife, HE doesn’t HEAR how GREAT HE is nearly enough.  My wife “makes me one flesh, but because of what JESUS accomplished, I am able to come before HIM as “A MAN SPEAKS TO HIS FRIEND”!  May I constantly be more aware of not only my wife, but of JESUS WHO desires to SPEAK to me as “A MAN SPEAKS TO HIS FRIEND”!!!

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