Tuesday, February 15, 2022



Ephesians 1:7-10                 (ESV)

“[7] In HIM we have redemption through HIS blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of HIS grace, [8] which HE lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight [9] MAKING KNOWN TO US THE MYSTERY OF HIS WILL, according to HIS purpose, which HE set forth in CHRIST [10] as a plan for the fullness of time, TO UNITE ALL THINGS IN HIM, things IN HEAVEN and things ON EARTH.”

MAKING KNOWN TO US “THE MYSTERY OF HIS WILL” is NOT something that needs be taken lightly, or without effort!  At precisely the correct timing, THE LORD “places” within us the desire to search out AND KNOW HIS TRUTH for HIS GLORY and for us to SHARE HIS KNOWLEDGE to those HE has CHOSEN to hear!  MAKING KNOWN TO US “THE MYSTERY OF HIS WILL” isn’t something that we can study and find out ON OUR OWN, it is MADE KNOWN TO US as HE sees fit.  

When THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES OPENS your EYES to SEE a TRUTH, it is probably something that you need to make a note about!  To be considered WORTHY of experiencing what others are unable to grasp SHOULD alert people that they are BLESSED?  But some people believe that they are simply better than others, with a gift from GOD that elevates them above people who are CREATED by the same CREATOR???

“In HIM we have redemption through HIS blood” is the most monumental thing one can experience.  Yet “it is a gift from GOD” (Ephesians 2:8) that NONE has the right to boast about.  “HE lavished upon us,….. TO UNITE ALL THINGS IN HIM, things IN HEAVEN and things ON EARTH”!  I MUST acknowledge that IN HIM, IN HEAVEN, and ON EARTH aren’t within the realm of human capabilities!   We simply are CALLED to serve HIM!

If we are CALLED to suffer we need to do it without complaining.  If we are CALLED to live in prosperity we must do so humbly (Philippians 4:12)! “THE MYSTERY OF HIS WILL” is nothing that we are worthy of, IT IS A GIFT FROM GOD!  Living life is a GIFT, whether we acknowledge it or not!  It is my prayer that ALMIGHTY GOD will MAKE KNOWN TO US “THE MYSTERY OF HIS WILL” for HIS GLORY!!!

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