Sunday, February 20, 2022


Psalm 27:13-14                       (ESV)


        in the land of the living! 

    [14] “WAIT FOR THE LORD”;

        BE STRONG, and let your heart TAKE COURAGE;

        “WAIT FOR THE LORD”!”

There is a list i use for reminding me of where I have been, and also where I BELIEVE ALMIGHTY GOD is taking me!  On my WAR ROOM PRAYER LIST is Psalm 27:14 which says “WAIT FOR THE LORD”; BE STRONG, and let your heart TAKE COURAGE; “WAIT FOR THE LORD”!”  Looking to this verse, one can easily understand overlooking the previous verse, but  the PROMISE that I BELIEVE THAT I SHALL LOOK UPON THE GOODNESS OF THE LORD is TOO GREAT to minimize!

There is always the temptation of “the enemy” for us to be consumed with “fighting” to get ahead?  In doing so, we run the risk of losing sight of THE GOODNESS OF THE LORD.  Getting so caught up in the cares of “this world” has prevented me from SEEING THE GOODNESS OF THE LORD.  When we LOSE SIGHT of what is TRULY important in life, we are on “the wrong road”, not SEEING what is important in life!

SEEING the importance of THE GOODNESS OF THE LORD, there is nothing else like it!  Wealth, worldly success, along with acceptance of what “this world” dictates are enticements to get our vision set on things that will one day be JUDGED (2 Corinthians 5:10)!  Worldly wealth and enjoyment CANNOT buy JOY and PEACE!  Listening to the god of “this world” might bring success according to him, but when we “WAIT FOR THE LORD” the successes will be innumerable!

For me, there is NO OPTION except to “WAIT FOR THE LORD”!  Since I BELIEVE THAT I SHALL LOOK UPON THE GOODNESS OF THE LORD, the things of “this world” have very little influence on me!  TRUSTING IN HIM is the ONLY WAY that I can “WAIT FOR THE LORD”!!!

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