Thursday, July 28, 2022


 2 Timothy 1:6-7                       (ESV)

“[6] For this reason I remind you to “FAN INTO FLAME” the GIFT OF GOD, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, [7] for GOD gave us a SPIRIT NOT OF FEAR but of POWER and LOVE and SELF-CONTROL.”

One year ago I shared 2 Timothy 1:7, “for GOD gave us a SPIRIT NOT OF FEAR but of POWER and LOVE and SELF-CONTROL.”  Just as the Apostle Paul found it necessary to remind Timothy that fear is from “the enemy” and from GOD, I have TRUTH constantly infused into my life!  The cares of “this world” has the affects of diluting our FAITH in GOD ALMIGHTY to a position where we are consumed with them rather than Philippians 4:8 and “think on these things”!

Have you ever attempted to begin a fire during a driving rainstorm?  Commencing a fire is usually done with dry materials and no wind involved?  But when ALMIGHTY GOD is behind the ignition of a fire, HE isn’t restrained by the cares of “this world”, rather HE works IN SPITE OF them!  When GOD ALMIGHTY acts as ONLY HE can, there is NO DOUBT that the results are from HIM!  

“FAN INTO FLAME” gives the impression that whomever is FANNING is beginning the FLAME?  But the next few words (the GIFT OF GOD) set the story straight!  Our Salvation is so INCREDIBLY DIVINE that we could NEVER accept any credit for what has transpired. “FAN INTO FLAME” will NEVER happen unless there is the GIFT OF GOD there to begin with!  

A man by the name of Kurt Kaiser wrote a song entitled “PASS IT ON”.  The chorus goes “It only takes a spark to get a fire going, and soon all those around can warm up in its glowing. That's how it is with GOD's love once you've experienced it; you spread his love to everyone; you want to pass it on.”  My prayer is that I will “FAN INTO FLAME” the spark that GOD has begun and NOT try to start my own fire!!!

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