Thursday, July 7, 2022


 John 8:31-38                        (ESV)

The TRUTH Will Set You Free

“[31] So JESUS said to the Jews who had believed HIM, “IF you abide in “MY WORD”, you are truly MY disciples, [32] and you will know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH will set you free.” [33] They answered HIM, “We are offspring of Abraham and have never been enslaved to anyone. How is it that you say, ‘You will become free’?”

[34] JESUS answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin. [35] The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever. [36] So if the SON sets you free, you will be free indeed. [37] I know that you are offspring of Abraham; yet you seek to kill ME because “MY WORD” finds no place in you. [38] I speak of what I have seen with MY FATHER, and you do what you have heard from your father.””

When I began my writings, it was at the behest of some therapists trying to assist me in WORD RECALL following the Brain Hemorrhage FIFTEEN YEARS AGO this Saturday morning!  It blood vessel that broke was in the WORD RECALL portion of my brain, a place that was a little over 1 1/2 inches behind my left eye.  The thought was writing exercises every day would improve my ability to use words that weren’t coming back to me like I thought they should.  Little did I know that CHALLENGE would become the instrument GOD ALMIGHTY used to motivate HIS Servant!

Using WORDS adequately is a vastly under appreciated asset.  The trait of verbal manipulation was apparently a tool “the Jews” displayed the appearance of mastering, FOR THE MOST PART!  Little did they understand in the Scripture above that they were speaking to THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES and they were TOTALLY outmatched by HIS KNOWLEDGE, not only about what they were saying, but about what they were thinking!  JESUS was following the directions of HIS FATHER, a BEING that “the Jews” were unfamiliar with, putting it mildly.  

“The Jews” thought that JUST BECAUSE they were offsprings of Abraham that they were included in the CHOSEN!  But when JESUS spoke “MY WORD” to “the Jews” it immediately SEPARATED “the wheat” from “the chaff” (Matthew 13:30)!  The “chaff” (or weeds) continued growing and were harvested, but instead of being used as viable crops, they were bundled up and BURNED!  

WHO would be so cruel to utterly and continually DESTROY something that was CREATED to give them GLORY?  “MY WORD” says that those whose EYES have NOT been OPENED will spend ETERNITY separated from GOD, which would be enough to be called HELL!  But “weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 13:42) will be their Judgement…for ETERNITY!  “MY WORD” is great for we that are CHOSEN, but it will be devastating to those who have rejected “MY WORD”!!!

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