Saturday, July 9, 2022


 FIFTEEN YEARS AGO…..July 09, 2007 I awoke to go to the restroom at 5:30AM.  No big deal, I threw my legs out of bed and started standing up, but before I knew what was happening my face hit the floor!  I’ll save you all from hearing the details, but my Brain was hemorrhaging and I had no idea how serious the situation was. 

We went to the hospital and my doctor had already telephoned the Neurologist who met us and my doctor at the Emergency Room. 52 days later I was able to walk to our vehicle and eventually come home!  

Included in the 52 days of being hospitalized, 17 of those days were spent in a drug-induced coma!  Were you to ask the medical professionals working to save my life, for the most part they thought I WASN’T going to make it!  Two years later I was BLESSED to purchase the insurance agency I had sold 11 months prior to this traumatic day and have sold insurance ever since. 

I write this recollection to brag on ALMIGHTY GOD and to let EVERYONE know that WE ARE NOT DEFINED BY THE TRIALS WE ARE EXPERIENCING!  Acts 4:20 “for we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard.” is written about Peter and John speaking to some rather highly respected leaders of the Jewish “church”!  I can’t say much about the 52 days of hospitalization, but I want to tell everyone where I am FIFTEEN YEARS LATER and WHO brought me through the “valley of the shadow of death”!!!

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