Thursday, July 21, 2022


 John 10:22-28                          (ESV)

I and the FATHER Are ONE

“[22] At that time the Feast of Dedication took place at Jerusalem. It was winter, [23] and JESUS was walking in the temple, in the colonnade of Solomon. [24] So the Jews gathered around HIM and said to HIM, “How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the CHRIST, tell us plainly.” [25] JESUS answered them, “I told you, and YOU DO NOT BELIEVE. The works that I do in my FATHER’S name bear witness about ME, [26] but YOU DO NOT BELIEVE because YOU ARE NOT among MY sheep. [27] MY sheep hear MY voice, and I know them, and they “FOLLOW ME”. [28] I GIVE them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of MY hand.”

The CREATOR had of everything (Colossians 1:16), including our languages, wasn’t caught off guard during HIS earthly ministry giving answers that weren’t “thought out”!  The same people that are credited with HIS crucifixion were trying to use words to trap JESUS into saying incriminatory statements, but the WORD HE presented them in response to their scheme was “FOLLOW ME”!  HE didn’t need to give them a long list of “commandments” like HE did in the book of Exodus, HE only said “FOLLOW ME”!!

Why do we want to convolute what THE ONE WHO spoke these worlds into existence instructed while walking among humanity?  Could it be because YOU DO NOT BELIEVE?  We “say” we believe, but our worry about the cares of life and trying to figure out which way to go, and we are supposed to have JESUS living inside of us??  

As I gaze upon photos of my grandchildren on a digital screen, one picture shows a grandchild sleeping in my chair.  Shouldn’t I rest in the arms of JESUS like my grandchildren rest in my arms?  The TRUST that they will be taken care of in the care of their grandparents!  Why don’t I have the same TRUST in my SAVIOR?

The Jews did not TRUST JESUS because they were unable to SEE WHO HE was!  Can we SEE HIM??  Will we TRUST HIM with our lives?  HE CREATED us all.  HE CHOSE a few for HIS GLORY!  The LEAST I should do is to “FOLLOW ME”!!!

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