Monday, July 25, 2022


 Matthew 26:36                        (ESV)

“Then JESUS went with them (HIS disciples) to a place called Gethsemane, and HE said to HIS disciples, “SIT HERE”, while I go over there and pray.””

Probably the most agonizing punishment ever dispersed on this servant was when I was told to “SIT HERE” when I wanted to have an answer to what I felt I needed to know!  Knowing that JESUS KNOWS what is going to happen doesn’t indicate that HE is going to let me KNOW so I can be at ease!  That could eliminate the need for FAITH in our daily walk with HIM.  JESUS KNEW that Peter would deny knowing HIM three times, but Scripture says in Matthew 26:35 “And ALL THE DISCIPLES DID THE SAME”, which was PROMISE that they would die with JESUS!  

“SIT HERE” doesn’t say that we are free to do anything for our families, our friends, or even the Kingdom of Heaven!  “SIT HERE” probably indicated that the disciples were to be in prayer, because that is precisely what JESUS told them HE was going to be doing at the end of verse 36.  Scripture records that the disciples evidently weren’t as committed as they said they would be because they ALL went to sleep while JESUS conversed with HIS FATHER about HIS upcoming difficulties.  

JESUS IS THE WORD (John 1:1), so HE was very aware of the price HE was going to pay for the redemption of HIS CHOSEN!  MANY times HE went ALONE to pray, which HE needed to do for HIS upcoming journey!  The gruesome acts that HE experienced was said to be excruciatingly morbid, yet HE accepted HIS fate out of LOVE for us, AND LOVE FOR HIS FATHER!  HE paid a price that ONLY HE could pay, because HE was the ONLY spotless LAMB to redeem my wretched soul!

Although the ALL SAID they were committed, the disciples couldn’t even stay awake for the time JESUS was praying.  But I can’t follow JESUS in my actions for an entire day either!  When I am told to “SIT HERE” and let GOD be in control, I want to give my advice on what HE needs to do to benefit the Kingdom?!?  Why can’t I just “SIT HERE” and allow JESUS to be my Redeemer and be thankful that HE HAS CHOSEN me???

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