Monday, July 18, 2022


 John 14:1-7                            (ESV)

I Am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life

“[1] “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in GOD; believe also in ME. [2] In my FATHER’S house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? [3] And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to MYSELF, that where I am you may be also. [4] And YOU KNOW THE WAY TO WHERE I AM GOING.” [5] Thomas said to HIM, “”LORD, WE DO NOT KNOW” where YOU are going. How can we know the way?” [6] JESUS said to him, “I am THE WAY, and THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE. NO ONE comes to the FATHER except through ME. [7] If you had known ME, you would have known MY FATHER also. From now on you do know HIM and have seen HIM.””

DOUBTING THOMAS has always been associated with the account later in the book of John where the EYES of Thomas were OPENED and he was able to SEE the risen CHRIST.  IN John 20:28 it is written “Thomas answered HIM, “My LORD and my GOD!”  What a tremendous turn around once his EYES are OPENED?

The EYES of Thomas are so much like the eyes of modern Believers.  We “claim” to be “a part of the family of GOD”, but we CANNOT SEE what we should because we expect to see something that our “imagination” has implanted in our feeble minds?  In the reality of TRUTH, we can’t fully understand and comprehend TRUTH until IT IS REVEALED to us, something that Thomas experienced ONLY when JESUS said to Thomas “Put your finger here” in John 20:27!  Only then could Thomas experience TRUTH in a manner that would revolutionize his mindset.  

”LORD, WE DO NOT KNOW” is Thomas openly saying what many of us don’t have the maturity to admit.  We WANT to do something for THE LORD, but we DON’T WANT to WAIT ON THE LORD (Psalm 27:14). for HIS PLAN to be manifested in our lives!  GOD can CREATE galaxies simply by speaking, HE has already proven that!  Making HIS CREATION SEE TRUTH and grasp that HE IS IN CONTROL quite another feat!!!

FATHER IN HEAVEN, forgive me for being too hurried to “do anything” for YOU and NOT just being content with YOUR PRESENCE in my life!  Cause this Brain Damaged mind to latch onto the words ”LORD, WE DO NOT KNOW” and WAIT ON THE LORD to make my paths straight!!!

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