Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Proverbs 29:18                (1599 Geneva Bible)
"Where there is no vision, the people decay (perish): but he that keepeth the law is blessed."

Matthew 11:25                 (1599 Geneva Bible)
"At that time Jesus answered and said, I give thee thanks, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise, and men of understanding, and hast opened (revealed) them unto babes."

As I have aged, my vision is not what it used to be.  I use "readers" because the print has become too small to legibly read.  That is what I say to stroke my vanity!  But the truth be known, the print is not shrinking, rather my vision has weakened.

While perusing the headlines in the local newspaper recently, I read where some elected officials thought THEY had the answers to some of the problems our nation (and the world) faces.  The harsh reality is, our country needs to focus more on the "REAL ISSUE", and not the resulting symptoms.

"GOD is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth" (John 4:24)!  Until our eyes are opened to see past the natural, we will continue to experience failure.  A great leader one said that there were some people that "know so many things that aren't so"!  It is sad when people don't realize where they are going.  It is shameful when people are convinced they are headed in the right direction, only to find out the map they are using leads them to destruction.

In the late 1939's and early to mid 1940's, many Jews were "deported" to what they believed was a better place.  Some were even made to pay money to be sent to this better place. The trains they were loaded onto eventually carried these unsuspecting people to their death, as the Germans slaughtered them.  They thought they were headed for freedom, instead destruction was just ahead for them.

We must be vigilant to put GODLY men in the positions of leadership, or we risk riding our own DEATH TRAIN!  Although my vision is not what it used to be, I can see we are taking the wrong path.  The ONLY answers for our country, and the world, is for the people to focus on the "REAL ISSUE" and get our eyes off of the symptoms!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

"WAIT.....on The LORD!"

Romans 12:1-3             (1599 Geneva Bible)
"1 I Beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye give up your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable serving of God.
2 And fashion not yourselves like unto this world, but be ye changed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what that good, and acceptable and perfect will of God is.
3 For I say through the grace that is given unto me, to everyone that is among you, that no man presume to understand above that which is meet to understand, but that he understand according to sobriety, as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith."

Has GOD ever placed you in a situation where you didn't know where to turn?  You felt you needed to do something to alleviate your predicament, but the last thing you wanted to do is to get ahead of GOD?  You try and try to find a way out, and nothing seems to "fit" as the answer from HIM?

According to, "I Beseech" means "I beg" you!  Paul was saying he "begged" us to give up our bodies as a "living" sacrifice.  A sacrifice was typically an animal that was slain for redemptive purposes.  Paul was not saying to kill ourselves for CHRIST!  Instead, Paul was advocating us to "live for HIM" (2 Cor 5:15).  Live for HIM at the pace HE sets for our lives.

"HOLY, acceptable unto GOD"?  How do you serve GOD when you are not sure of the direction HE is leading you?  How do we make sure we are doing what HE has in HIS plan for our lives?  At times, do we think we have to be doing something for HIM, when HE is trying to get us to WAIT ON HIM?

Verse 2 says "And fashion not yourselves like unto this world"!  The world says we must be doing something for HIM.  If we are not doing something for the kingdom, we are lazy and unproductive.  The Bible is very clear for us to "Wait on The Lord" (Psalms 27:14).  Yet, we always have the impression that WE must do something!  Sometimes, all we need to do is "Be Still" (Psalms 46:10)!

We all do what we think is best AT THE TIME.   The ESV version of Romans 12:3 says "For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself MORE HIGHLY THAN HE OUGHT TO THINK, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned."  If you don't have a clear direction, maybe GOD is telling you you need to "WAIT" for that direction.

Monday, April 28, 2014


Matthew 8:28-34                   (1599 Geneva Bible)
"28 And when he (JESUS) was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils which came out of the graves very fierce, so that no man might go by that way.
29 And behold, they cried out, saying, Jesus the Son of God, what have we to do with thee? Art thou come hither to torment us before the time?
30 Now there was afar off from them, a great herd of swine feeding.
31 And the devils besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to go into the herd of swine.
32 And he said unto them, Go. So they went out and departed into the herd of swine: and behold, the whole herd of swine ran headlong into the sea, and died in the water.
33 Then the herdmen fled: and when they were come into the city, they told all things, and what was become of them that were possessed with the devils,
34 And behold, all the city came out to meet Jesus: and when they saw him, they besought him to depart out of their coasts."

One of the most helpful Bible verses for me is Ephesians 6:12.  It states "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, and against the worldly governors, the princes of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness, which are in the high places."  The REAL battle is against "spiritual wickedness" which are in high places.

When JESUS had occasion to meet up with these two devils, HE did not have to play hide-and-seek with them.  The demons proclaimed "JESUS the SON OF GOD", what have we done to stir YOU against us?  Then they requested to be cast into a "great herd of swine" that was feeding near them. Then the swine ran into the sea and died in the water.

The enemy is always attacking me, and I don't even recognize him right away.  I may see the enemy as someone who has had a bad morning.  Or I may see the enemy as a driver who is driving a bit inconsiderate. The thing I have to realize is, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords abides in me, and I in HIM (John 6:56).  If JESUS recognized the evil spirits when HE was walking here on earth, don't you think HE can still see them?  And don't you know the evil spirits are still in awe of HIS power?  Why then, do we live in defeat when JESUS has already won the victory?  The enemy is begging to be put into a bunch of pigs!

Just as these two devils requested to be cast into the swine, the enemy still cannot tolerate the Holiness of JESUS!  They knew HIM when HE walked by them 2000 years ago.  They still have to flee HIS presence when HE is allowed to have the throne of my life. My prayer is I allow "JESUS the SON OF GOD" on the throne of my life, and fear and doubt will have to flee!

Sunday, April 27, 2014


2 Corinthians 9:6-8                (1599 Geneva Bible)
"6 This yet remember, that he which soweth sparingly, shall reap also sparingly, and he that soweth liberally, shall reap also liberally.
7 As every man wisheth in his heart, so let him give, not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
8 And GOD IS ABLE able to make all grace to abound toward you, that ye always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound in every good work"

My maternal grandfather only went to school through the fifth grade. He never had a job making a lot of money.  Yet, I continue to this day to learn from his life.  Many people enjoyed the crops raised by my grandfather.  He had Rent Houses that people continue to live in.  "GrandPa Pete" had a God-Given ability to to make a dollar, yet a heart to share his abundance.

I remember planting seeds when I thought there was no need!  The harvest could never be consumed by the family.  But after everything was canned or "put up" in the storehouse, there would be some acquaintance come into a need and the need was supplied.  GOD used my grandfather to supple the needs of many families.  His name was not known as a glorified statesman or masterful politician.  But "GrandPa Pete" was able to be blessed by GOD, and he shared those blessings with others.

"GOD IS ABLE" to bless those who HE deems will honor and glorify HIS name. My prayer is that I will be blessed beyond measure, and those blessings will be shared with others for the glory of GOD!

Saturday, April 26, 2014


1 Samuel 10:9-11     (GNV)
"And when he had turned his back to go from Samuel, GOD gave him another heart; and all those tokens came to pass that same day. And when they came thither to the hill, behold, the company of Prophets met him, and the Spirit of GOD came upon him, and he prophesied among them. Therefore all the people that knew him before, when they saw that he prophesied among the Prophets, said each to other, What is come unto the son of Kish? is Saul also among the Prophets?"

My memories of my early twenties brings back memories of a confident (some say cocky), able, and helpful young man.  Some of the things I said and did do not make me proud today.  But GOD has used them to grow me into a tool HE can use for HIS glory.

GOD changes hearts!  HE "gave him (Saul) another heart" to accomplish GOD's plan.  Saul "prophesied among the Prophets" so eloquently that all of the people surrounding him wondered what had happened to him.  The people knew that something supernatural had occurred in Saul's life.

I pray that my life exhibits enough GOD-LIKE traits that people notice a change from when I was younger. 1 Corinthians 13:11 says "When I was a child, I spake as a child: I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."  The attitudes I now display should be different.  Just as the clothes I wear have to be updated!  The old saying goes something like this, "I'm not what I could be, and I'm not what I should be, but thank GOD I'm not the man I used to be!"  I have a "CHANGED HEART"!

Friday, April 25, 2014


Matthew 7:21-23                   (1599 Geneva Bible)
"21 Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth my Father’s will which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not by thy Name prophesied, and by thy name cast out devils? and by thy name done many great works?
23 And then will I profess to them, I NEVER KNEW YOU, DEPART from me ye that work iniquity."

"WORDS!"  We all use them with very little thought about the impact they are having, or will have, in days to come.  Imagine, if you will, all of the sudden you lose your ability to correctly enunciate the thoughts that make YOU who you really are.  Other than body movements, how do we communicate?  

The ability to accurately speak what is on your mind is a trait many take advantage of.  The ability to speak what is in your heart is a gift FEW enjoy!  While JESUS CHRIST walked among men, HE spoke TRUTH.  Many were not able to "handle the TRUTH" and some still cannot!

JESUS explained that the "WORDS" one uses can be of great oratory prowess, but the heart of man has to be changed (Matthew 15:18-20) before the "WORDS" carry any weight! Some modern day preachers are celebrated for their ability to sway the opinion of the masses.  But the Holy Bible says that when Judgement Day comes the pretenders will be exposed and the TRUTH once again will not be comfortable for them!

Some of the "WORDS" I have used in my past are regrettable.  Those "WORDS" can not be taken back or changed.  One can only claim the blood of JESUS when the accuser brings up our imperfections.  But my heart has been, and continues to be, regenerated, and my "WORDS" reflect that.

The most dreadful "WORDS" that one can ever hear have to he the ones JESUS will speak to those who are not HIS; "I never knew you, depart"!  I pray that those "WORDS" will not have to be spoken to you.

Thursday, April 24, 2014


Acts 4:32-37                   (1599 Geneva Bible)
"32 And the MULTITUDE of them that believed, were of ONE HEART, and of ONE SOUL: neither any of them said, that anything of that which he possessed, was his own, but they had all things common.
33 And with great power gave the Apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and GREAT GRACE was upon them ALL.
34 Neither was there any among them, that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses, sold them, and brought the price of the things that were sold,
35 And "LAID IT DOWN" at the Apostles’ feet, and it was distributed unto every man, according AS HE HATH NEED.
36 Also Joses which was called of the Apostles, Barnabas (that is by interpretation, the son of consolation) being a Levite, and of the country of Cyprus,
37 Where as he had land, sold it, and brought the money, and "LAID IT DOWN" at the Apostles’ feet."

The "CHURCH" was a new phenomenon in the first century. True "BELIEVERS" were a Spirit led people who only wanted GOD to be glorified with their lives and possessions.  They were  "of ONE HEART, and of ONE SOUL" and shared everything, as they saw all of their possessions as coming from GOD.

It appears the needs of the people were were seen as part of their body needing attention.  There wasn't a government program or higher authority to oversee the distribution of goods. Goods were "distributed unto every man, according AS HE HATH NEED".  GOD supplied the  goods (GREAT GRACE) because HE is the ONE who knew the true needs.

 How have things have changed since?  Governments, in their limited wisdom, now determine who should benefit from the goods of others by a man-made determination of need!  How can government (man) determine the "intent of the heart"?   Mankind, regardless of their motives, does not have the capacity to change a heart!  Untold monies have been spent trying to address poverty, race relations, gender equality, and every other kind of perceived injustice.  Mankind has proven it cannot, outside of GOD'S direction, achieve anything of any importance.

Our only HOPE lies in the ONE who has already paid for our inadequacies.  In John 10:17-18 JESUS explains to us that when HE "LAID IT DOWN" (HIS life), that HE had the power to take it up again.  The church was following the example of JESUS when they "LAID IT DOWN" in Acts 4!   Mankind must return to the humility and servant hood shown by JESUS when HE "LAID IT DOWN"!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Acts 4:10-13              (KJV)
"10 Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole.
11 This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.
12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is NONE OTHER NAME under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, THAT THEY HAD BEEN WITH JESUS."

Recently I had the privilege of entertaining a group of believers from another city who were passing through the town where I live.  A mutual friend is Bishop at their fellowship.  The conversation leaned toward how Bishop and I met.  I explained that another mutual friend had told me that I had to meet "Bishop", that he was different!  I explained that the first time I encountered Bishop, I called my wife and told her there was something special about Bishop, and she had to meet him!

Peter and John exuded the likeness of JESUS CHRIST because of how their lives had been changed by HIM.  In Acts 4:20 it is recorded "For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard."  They were not great orators or illusionist. The Holy Spirit so empowered their lives that they couldn't help but speak of The ONE who changed their very existence.

There are many counterfeits and wannabes. Buddha, Confucius, Muhammad.........., they all have one thing in common.  They are all dead and buried!  There is NONE OTHER NAME (JESUS) by which we must be saved!

My prayer is that when people meet me, they call someone and say "You have got to meet this man"!  My actions and speech should so emulate the life of CHRIST that others will desire to spend time with me. Not because of who I am, but I want people to see that "I HAVE BEEN WITH JESUS"!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


1 Samuel 2:1-7                 (1599 Geneva Bible)
"1 And Hannah prayed, and said, Mine heart rejoiceth in the LORD, mine horn is exalted in the LORD: my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies, because I rejoice in thy salvation.
2 There is none holy as the LORD: yea, there is none besides thee, and there is no god like our GOD.
3 Speak no more presumptuously: let not arrogancy come out of your mouth: for the LORD is a GOD of knowledge, and by HIM enterprises are established.
4 The bow and the mighty men are broken, and the weak have girded themselves with strength.
5 They that were full, are hired forth for bread, and the hungry are no more hired, so that the barren hath borne seven: and she that had many children is feeble.
6 The LORD killeth and maketh alive: bringeth down to the grave and raiseth up.
7 The LORD maketh poor and maketh rich: bringeth low, and exalteth."

Since I awoke this morning, "Mine heart rejoiceth in the LORD" has been all I can focus on. I still owe the same amount of money as I did yesterday. I still have the same problems I did yesterday. I still have the same unfulfilled dreams I did yesterday.  But GOD has lightened my burden and caused my heart to rejoice in HIM!  I feel I have to shout HIS praise!

"The LORD killeth and maketh alive" is a mouthful.  When you stop and think about it, every breath we take is a gift from The Creator.  I have written before, that in 2007 when I awoke my ability to walk had left me.  The song "I can't even walk without you holding my hand" by Jesse Dixon became a favorite song of mine.  I have friends, young and old, who have left this world while sleeping.  Life is a gift, not a right!

The verse "The LORD maketh poor and maketh rich: bringeth low, and exalteth" is a weighty one also.  GOD can bring success our way, and HE can bring failure.  The Apostle Paul writes in Philippians 4:11 "for I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content."  If the plan of GOD calls for me to suffer, I should glory in that suffering (Romans 5:3).  Should GOD'S plan call for me to have success, I should not glory in the success, rather glory in the ONE who provides the success.

GOD is the ONE who grants life.  HE is the ONE who gives prosperity.  HE can take away prosperity, as HE can take away life (Luke 12:20).  Our lives are meant to honor and glorify HIM!  When "Mine heart rejoiceth in the LORD", my life is demonstrating HIS glory!  I pray my life is an example of what HE desires for all to see!

Monday, April 21, 2014


Philippians 4:9-13            (GVB)
"9 Which ye have both learned and received, and heard, and seen in me: those things do, and the GOD of peace shall be with you.
10 Now I rejoice also in the LORD greatly, that now at the last your care for me springeth afresh, wherein notwithstanding ye were careful, but ye lacked opportunity.
11 I speak not because of want: for I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.
12 And I can be abased, and I can abound: everywhere in all things I am instructed, both to be full, and to be hungry, and to abound, and to have want.
13 I am able to do all things through the help of CHRIST, which strengtheneth me."

It has been said that a "lesson learned" from experience is one that leaves an indelible impression.  The Apostle Paul was trying to tell the church at Philippi that they could learn from the hardships he had endured, and the victories he had been blessed with, as soon as they realized that living for CHRIST was worth whatever came their way.

GOD'S plan for our lives may not be to be President of the United States, or head of a large corporation.  GOD may not have a plan for us to be a astronaut, or a Nobel Prize winning scientist.  GOD'S plan for us may be to lead just ONE person to a saving knowledge of JESUS CHRIST, and that one person may be one that The LORD uses to win thousands to HIS Kingdom.

Most well-known war heroes have endured a battle or two in their past.  Just because a person is enduring a battle currently, don't think they are a failure for The LORD!  Long ago I was told "When you are being taught a lesson, glean everything you can from that lesson!  You don't want to have to learn the same lesson again!"  Like the Apostle Paul, I have been abased and I have been blessed!  I pray that the "LESSONS LEARNED" will lead me to know that "I am able to do all things through the help of CHRIST, which strengtheneth me."

Saturday, April 19, 2014


Luke 24:4-8                  (1599 Geneva Bible)
"4 And it came to pass, that as they were amazed thereat, behold, two men (Angels) suddenly stood by them in shining vestures.
5 And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said to them, Why seek ye HIM that liveth, among the dead?
6 HE is not here, but is risen: 'REMEMBER' how HE spake unto you, when he was yet in Galilee,
7 Saying, that the SON OF MAN must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.
8 And they 'REMEMBERED' HIS words,"

Many times when I begin my writing session about scripture, my thoughts are on one subject, but the Spirit leads me in a different direction, even as I type my thoughts!  This morning my thoughts were on the doubt and dismay the disciples must have been experiencing while the body of JESUS was in the tomb. Their 'so-called' Messiah had been brutally ravaged and crucified before the multitudes, and now they must have been fearing they would be next!

All four Gospels have numerous accounts of JESUS predicting HIS sacrifice.  But the realization of the SON OF GOD literally sacrificing HIMSELF, so that mankind could experience true LIFE, was something they never grasped.  UNTIL.........UNTIL their eyes were opened to the truth!

Surely you have had one of those "AH-HA" moments!  You finally figure out what someone has been telling you, your mind finally "clicks", everything makes sense, and it all falls into place!  The disciples "REMEMBERED" the words that JESUS had repeatedly told them while in HIS ministry on earth.  JESUS HIMSELF had told all, on numerous occasions, what would transpire to HIS body and Spirit, but only now were their eyes opened!

Only now did they "REMEMBER" what JESUS was speaking about while HE ministered to them. Now, they were being prepared to minister to others and their mindset had to be changed.  Soon JESUS would appear to them again, and others, to validate HIS promise to overcome death, hell, and the grave.

We too can "REMEMBER" the words JESUS spoke to the disciples.  HE has to change our mindset sometimes to alter the way we see things, but when we submit our lives to HIM and HIS purpose for us, what we "REMEMBER" is made clear to us!  Do you "REMEMBER"?

Friday, April 18, 2014


John 12:23-26               (1599 Geneva Bible)
"23 And Jesus answered them, saying, The hour is come, that the Son of man must be glorified.
24 Verily, verily I say unto you, Except the wheat corn fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.
25 He that loveth his life, shall lose it, and HE THAT HATETH HIS LIFE IN THIS WORLD, shall keep it unto life eternal.
26 If any man serve me, let him follow me: for where I am, there shall my servant be: and if any man serve me, him will my father honor."

Today is "GOOD FRIDAY".  Sure it's Friday, but what makes it so good?  Why do we proclaim the day the world crucified 'GOD in the flesh' as something GOOD?  Was it GOOD that our despicable lives caused the PERFECT SON OF GOD to be sacrificed "for the remission of sins" (Matthew 26:28)!

JESUS CHRIST came to earth for a purpose!  That purpose was to provide the ULTIMATE REDEMPTION for mankind.  The Roman soldiers did not take HIS life!  HE laid HIS life down for all of mankind because "GOD SO LOVED"!  I have nothing worthy of being even recognized by a HOLY GOD, yet because JESUS took my place on Calvary, I am part of GOD'S family.

We all get so caught up with "LIFE IN THIS WORLD" that sometimes neglect the real life is in a world not yet revealed to most. JESUS said "HE THAT HATETH HIS LIFE IN THIS WORLD, shall keep it unto life eternal".  HE was not meaning we should hate to get up everyday and and serve HIM. I feel HE was saying we should not place so much emphasis on what is done on earth, but what is done for HIS KINGDOM!

Maybe the reason we celebrate "GOOD FRIDAY" is not so we can have another holiday?  Maybe the reason for "GOOD FRIDAY" is not about hunting eggs in a couple of days. Maybe "GOOD FRIDAY" is, that in GOD'S perfect plan, JESUS came to earth to provide redemption for all of us!  GOD'S perfect plan called for a "GOOD FRIDAY" so that there "could" be life on Easter.  Maybe that is why it is "GOOD FRIDAY"!!!

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Ephesians 1:3-6              (KJV)
"3 Blessed be the GOD and FATHER of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in CHRIST:
4 According as HE hath chosen us in HIM before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before HIM in love:
5 Having predestinated us unto the "ADOPTION" of children by JESUS CHRIST to himself, according to the good pleasure of HIS will,
6 To the praise of the glory of HIS grace, wherein HE hath made us accepted in the beloved."

I have two sons whom I love immensely.  Both were born to my wife and I, and have had relatively healthy lives. We didn't have a choice when they were born, we had to, and gladly, accepted what GOD had blessed us with.  As far as I am concerned, my sons are the best sons ever!

I have some friends who were not able to have children.  After they had been married for 15 years with no children, they decided to adopt an infant son.  When they adopted, the selection process was a bit more involved than when my wife and I were blessed with our sons.  Although their son was not related to them "by blood", they chose their son out of all the children in the adoption process. They could have chosen any other child, yet they chose the perfect one for them!

GOD chose me "before the foundation of the world" out of HIS whole Creation to be a part of HIS Kingdom.  Not because I was worthy or was better than others.  But out of HIS indescribable mercy, HE CHOSE ME!  The CREATOR of the universes could have picked out any of HIS Creation, yet HE CHOSE ME!  WOW!!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Philippians 4:7-9                (1599 Geneva Bible)
"7 And the peace of GOD which passeth all understanding, shall preserve your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
8 Furthermore, brethren, whatsoever things are TRUE, whatsoever things are HONEST, whatsoever things are JUST, whatsoever things are PURE, whatsoever things are worthy LOVE, whatsoever things are of GOOD REPORT, if there be any virtue, or if there be any praise, think on these things.
9 Which ye have both learned and received, and heard, and seen in me: those things do, and the GOD of peace shall be with you."

Have you ever had one of those mornings when the gears of your mind just don't seem to align correctly?  You start thinking a negative thought (placed there by the enemy) and your mind blossoms that into a full blown crisis..........before you ever leave your house.  Where does the evil thoughts come from?  You must realize the originator of these thoughts to understand what he is trying to accomplish.  1 Peter 5:8 says "BE SOBER, and WATCH: for your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about, seeking whom he may DEVOUR."

Harvesting a desirable crop goes back to reaping what we plant!  Scripture even tells us what seeds we need to plant.  Seeds of TRUTH, HONESTY, things that are JUST, things worthy of LOVE, and things that are of GOOD REPORT.  I cannot find where the Bible says for us to worry about next months bills.  If ones sews seeds of worry and doubt, the harvest is sure to come.

The six characteristics listed above have a harvest also.  Verse 9 says "and the GOD OF PEACE shall be with you"!  "THE GOD OF PEACE" can get you through financial troubles, car troubles, health issues, marital problems.......whatever trials that may present itself to you.  I pray my life exemplifies the joy that comes from knowing "THE GOD OF PEACE!"

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


1 Thessalonians 5:16-18                   (1599 Geneva Bible)
"16 Rejoice evermore.
17 Pray continually.
18 In all things, give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus toward you."

A few years ago I began preparing my own breakfast.  I have been married for 30+ years and have always depended on my wife to cook, until lately.  I have been on a low-carbohydrate diet, so eggs are a staple on my morning menu.  Sometimes I like my fried eggs cooked "over-easy".  Sometimes, I prefer them "over-hard"!  When I prefer the "over-hard" method, my eggs have to be left on the fire longer, so they can reach the desire of the one preparing them.

Our lives are very similar to my eggs.  Some lives are not required to be on the heat because "The Preparer" (GOD) has different plans for them.  GOD'S plan requires some people to be "over-hard", thus they are subjected to more heat.  That doesn't mean those eggs are good OR bad, it only means "The Preparer" has different plans for their lives.  If "The Preparer" places on my heart to lighten the load of someone who is going through a lot of heat, it is my divine obligation to assist my brother.  I have had the honor of helping others, and I have been helped by others.  Obeying Divine leadership is what we are called to do.

Dr. Charles Stanley says in an interview with Moira Brown "You've got to see it all as coming from ME!" (Meaning coming from GOD).  GOD can use what we 'perceive' as bad to mold us into what HE desires us to be for HIS glory.  It is my sincere desire to be used for HIS glory.  If HIS preference is for me to be cooked "over-hard", I pray that I give thanks to HIM while "THE PREPARER" is making what HE has planned for me!

Monday, April 14, 2014


1 Peter 1:15-16                      (1599 Geneva Bible)
"15 But as HE which hath called you, is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation,
16 Because it is written, BE YE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY."

The way I understand scripture, the Spirit of JESUS CHRIST (2 Corinthians 13:5) now lives in me.   Do I still have the freedom to choose whom to criticize or correct?  Or should I allow my witness (prayerfully it is HOLINESS) to be used to convict others?  Maybe the reason the world has gotten so "DARK" is, not because the sinners are getting more prevalent, but because we believers have dimmed our "LIGHT" so much out of being comfortable?

Just thinking??????

Sunday, April 13, 2014


Acts 17:1-5                     (1599 Geneva Bible)
"1 Now as they passed through Amphipolis, and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonica, where was a Synagogue of the Jews.
2 And Paul, as his manner was, went in unto them, and three Sabbath days disputed with them by the Scriptures,
3 Opening, and alleging that Christ must have suffered, and risen again from the dead, and this is Jesus Christ, whom said he, I preach to you.
4 And SOME OF THEM BELIEVED, and joined in company with Paul and Silas: also of the Grecians that feared God a great multitude, and of the chief women not a few.
5 But the JEWS which believed NOT, moved with ENVY, took unto them certain VAGABONDS and WICKED FELLOWS and when they had assembled the multitude, they MADE a TUMULT in the city, and made assault against the house of Jason, and sought to bring them out to the people."

Through the reading of scripture, I am convicted of the times past when I would be serving on a board or commission and we would make a judgement.  The board or commission on which I served would come to a consensus on what WE "THOUGHT" THE EVIDENCE WAS SAYING on an issue or judgement.  If our decision was thought to be incorrect, or unjust, it could be appealed to a higher authority.

The JEWS in verse 5 of Acts 17, and moved with ENVY (a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another's advantages, success, possessions, etc.) resorted to "vagabonds" and "wicked fellows" to stir up controversy over whether JESUS CHRIST was WHO HE said HE was, and did what HE said HE did.  The "JEWS", in order to have a crowd, had to stoop to "vagabonds" and "wicked fellows" to promote their point of view.

Should not our thoughts and beliefs be determined solely by what the scriptures direct us to be?  In Acts 17:11, the Berean Christians "searched the Scriptures daily" and let GOD speak to them to determine what their beliefs should be.  The Bereans did not seek to satisfy, or seek approval of "POPULAR OPINION".

Neither should we let "POPULAR OPINION" determine our belief system, as what is popular today may change from one day to the next. JESUS was hailed as the "King of Israel" one week on Palm Sunday, and the very next week had already been tried, condemned, crucified, buried, and resurrected!  "POPULAR OPINION" meant nothing to JESUS as HE hung in my place on Calvary's tree!  Being a believer that JESUS CHRIST is the Son of GOD is not a choice to win friends.  I am rather certain JESUS did not win any popularity contests!  I pray "POPULAR OPINION" not enter into my life as I serve HIM!

Saturday, April 12, 2014


Matthew 5:43-48                (ESV)
"43 "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.'
44 But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,
45 so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.
46 For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?
47 And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same?
48 You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect."

I often wonder why GOD doesn't put all of the liberal minded thinking people into one section of the country, and put the one's who endeavor to live lives that glorify HIM in a place where we can be free from the unholy lifestyles?  I think I would enjoy being around people who  lived life the way GOD's Word instructed.  But, would the love you have for them be as complete as the love we are commanded to have for our enemies?

JESUS said that we must love ALL, for GOD in Heaven is love.  If JESUS lives in my body (2 Corinthians 13:5), why is it so hard for me to LOVE?  Could it be that I see the "Acts of People", rather than the hearts of people?  GOD knows our hearts and our intentions (Jeremiah 17:10).  Maybe HE has placed us where we are, around whom we are around, for HIS plan and HIS purpose (Ephesians 2:10)?  Maybe GOD has placed us around the wicked to be a light in a dark world?

I am far from what I need to be.  But GOD continues to mold and make me into a vessel that HE can use for HIS purpose.  I praise HIS name that HE has shown such patience and long-suffering in my life.  While I shouldn't be acceptive of their actions, I should be aware that all need to experience the "LOVE OF GOD"!  And GOD may be using me to show that LOVE!!!

Friday, April 11, 2014


Luke 1:35-38.                  (1599 Geneva Bible)
"35 And the Angel answered, and said unto her (Mary), The Holy Ghost (Spirit) shall come upon thee, and the power of the most High shall overshadow thee: therefore also that Holy thing which shall be born of thee, shall be called the Son of God.
36 And behold, thy cousin, Elizabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is her sixth month, which was called barren.
38 Then Mary said, Behold the servant of the Lord: be it unto me according to thy word. So the Angel departed from her."

Recently my wife received a text from a high school friend. It seems a classmate who lives in a foreign country had been in an accident and was "not expected" to live.  My wife expressed disbelief that someone so close to her circle could be dealt such a blow.

But I like to be one who "expects" the "unexpected".  Scripture tells us over and over that the "Spirit World" is where real things happen.  Let's visit a few scriptures.  In John 4:24 JESUS says "GOD IS A SPIRIT, and they that worship him, must worship him in Spirit and Truth."  In Matthew 19:26, once again JESUS says "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."  The Apostle Paul writes "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, and against the worldly governors, the princes of the darkness of this world, against SPIRITUAL wickedness, which are in the high places."

For me, it is plain to see the REAL BATTLE is the one we can't grasp!  It is a battle that must be fought by FAITH in those things we can't see!  2 Corinthians 4:18 tells me "While we look not on the things which are seen (VISIBLE), but on the things which are not seen (SPIRITUAL) for the things which are seen, are temporal: but the things which are not seen, are eternal."

Our spirits will last for eternity.  Either you can choose eternal life through placing faith in JESUS CHRIST, or you not believe in JESUS CHRIST and let your spirit experience eternal death.  One does not have to elect to spend eternity separated from GOD.  All they have to do is not accept HIS unseen free gift.  The "REAL BATTLE" is not one we can see!  The "REAL BATTLE" requires faith to even see.  What is "not expected" is what we see. Sometimes we are treated to the "unexpected" and we claim it is a miracle.  Maybe it is only different from what we were expecting???

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Exodus 33:7-11                   (ESV)
"7 Now Moses used to take the tent and pitch it outside the camp, far off from the camp, and he called it the tent of meeting. And everyone who sought the LORD would go out to the tent of meeting, which was outside the camp.
8 Whenever Moses went out to the tent, all the people would rise up, and each would stand at his tent door, and watch Moses until he had gone into the tent.
9 When Moses entered the tent, the pillar of cloud would descend and stand at the entrance of the tent, and the LORD would speak with Moses.
10 And when all the people saw the pillar of cloud standing at the entrance of the tent, all the people would rise up and worship, each at his tent door.
11 Thus the LORD used to speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend. When Moses turned again into the camp, his assistant Joshua the son of Nun, a young man, would not depart from the tent."

If you could have been any man in the Bible, who would you prefer?  King David and his heart for GOD!  Or maybe Abraham, the father of many nations?  Being Moses and being one spoke to GOD as his friend must have been special?  But one man that intrigues me is Joshua. Joshua was a "young man" who loved being in the presence of YHWH!  I especially love Exodus 33:11b where scripture records that Joshua "would not depart from the tent."

Now, being the critical person I am, I would have been complaining that Joshua wasn't pulling his share of the load!  Joshua was a "young man" and one would think he should be gathering fire wood, or some other menial task.  But Joshua seemed to know that hearing from The LORD was far more beneficial than satisfying the minds of man.

The criticism of man has ruined more than a few saints.  It has been said 'Everyone has an opinion, and most of them are wrong"!  Even though Joshua was a "young man", he was wise enough tune out the voices of man and listen to the "VOICE OF GOD"!  He seemed to learn this from Moses.  But once you have heard the "VOICE OF GOD", you crave hearing it even more.

Society has made tremendous technological advances in my lifetime.  When I was a child, we watched three major networks of television.  Now, we have cable and a minimum of 140+ channels to watch.  Cellphones now have everything imaginable on them.  Internet provides freedoms previously untold.  Yet, we have less time to listen to the "VOICE OF GOD".  I think I will "not depart from the tent" more and listen more to the "VOICE OF GOD"!!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Margaret Sue Wesson (October 3, 1928 - April 7, 2014)

Psalms 116:15               (1599 Geneva Bible)
"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints."

There are few other verses in scripture that comfort the way this one has.  People have read these scriptures for over 5,000 years and drawn strength, encouragement, admonishment,and guidance from them.  But the comfort that comes from knowing that someone you love has left this earthly world to be with their Creator is unimaginable.

Last evening I got a call from a friend of mine in Missouri.  Her mom was the wife of the pastor (Rev. Doyle Wesson) who led me to The LORD!  I had just called her mom, Margaret Sue Wesson, last week and we discussed me bringing her to where I live to visit old friends.  I thought her daughter was calling to talk about her trip.

Her daughter was calling to inform me that Margaret Sue had gone to her bed Monday evening and sat down. She never laid down.  Margaret Sue went to be with her Lord and Saviour while her old shell of a body was left sitting on the side of her bed.  While talking to Margaret Sue last week, she told me she was 85 years old.  She was born October 3, 1928 and went to Heaven on April 7, 2014.

I learned so much from Bro. Doyle & Margaret Sue.  The example they gave all through the lives they lived will impact me forever.  Margaret Sue will not be coming to my city to visit old friends like we planned.  Instead, she has gone to a "City Foursquare" to visit her Saviour.......forever!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


2 Corinthians 13:5-5               (ESV)
"5 Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?-unless indeed you fail to meet the test!
6 I hope you will find out that we have not failed the test."

Recently my wife discussed a desire to visit a diamond mine in Southwest Arkansas.  My mind started wondering how we would know if we ever really found a diamond or not?  While reading this scripture, my mind recalled her statement and how we should "Examine" ourselves to see if we are "in the faith"!

A gemologist can "examine" a precious stone and determine whether or not the stone has any value.   The value of a stone is generally determined by its clarity and size.

When we "Examine" our lives, how do we determine the worth?  Is it our bank accounts, the cars we drive, the houses we live in, our medical condition, or some other earthly measuring stick?  Do we ever pause long enough to consider eternity and the eternal value that GOD is placing on our lives?

"Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?-unless indeed you fail to meet the test!"  The latter portion of verse five is very encouraging to me!  JESUS CHRIST lives in me and I can pass any test with HIM!  "Do you not realize" that when GOD sees me, HE sees JESUS CHRIST living in me?  JESUS lives in me not because I am worthy or deserving, but because of HIS GRACE!

I trust that when you "EXAMINE YOURSELVES" you find a stone that is flawless and magnificent!  I trust that JESUS CHRIST will be what is seen when my examination is complete!

Saturday, April 5, 2014


Exodus 12:12-13                     (ESV)
"12 For I will pass through the land of Egypt that night, and I will strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and on all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments: I am the LORD.
13 The blood shall be a sign for you, on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and no plague will befall you to destroy you, when I strike the land of Egypt."

The accounting of the Exodus of the children of Israel from Egyptian captivity is one of the most influential in the Bible.  GOD's chosen people, the descendants of Abraham, were in Egypt for 430 years!  GOD called Moses from the womb for HIS plan and HIS purpose.

In chapter 2 & 3 of Exodus we read that Moses was born and hidden for fear Moses would be killed (Exodus 1:22) by the Egyptians.  A daughter of the King of Egypt found Moses and took him to raise and educate.  Moses then killed an Egyptian man (Exodus 2:12) and fled into the land of Midian. There he lived a life as a shepherd, literally living with sheep!   GOD eventually used Moses to lead HIS children out of bondage from the Egyptians.  Moses was being prepared to be used to GOD for HIS purpose. The process was not an overnight happening, rather it took years.

To get the Egyptians to release the Children of Israel, GOD had to send a series of 10 plagues, the final plague was THE PASSOVER.  The Children of Israel were given "precise" instructions to put the blood of a pure lamb on their doorways, what to do with the meat of the lamb, and several other things to cause the death angel to PASSOVER the houses of the Israelites.  GOD wanted the Israelites to let the world know THEY WERE HIS!

Did the act of putting blood on their doorposts save the Israelites for the death angel?  Didn't GOD know who was an Israelite and who wasn't?  Why did GOD not send the death angel before all of the other plagues?  Couldn't GOD have caused all the Egyptians to faint, or even kill them?  JESUS said in Matthew 19:26 "with GOD all things are possible."

The "obedience" of GOD's children was demonstrated to the Children of Israel.  GOD knew they were HIS and didn't need anything on their door to help HIM identify them.  GOD wanted HIS children to be identified to the world that they were HIS Children.  In Exodus 14:17 "and I will get me honor upon Pharaoh, and upon all his host, upon his chariots, and upon his horsemen."

GOD gets honor when we allow ourselves to be identified as HIS Children.  HE has a plan and a purpose for my life, and HE is preparing me to fulfill that purpose. It may take years, but HIS salvation is certain, and my obedience in identifying as HIS Child honors HIM and adorns HIM with praise. I will make HIM known to all, and let all know I AM HIS!

Friday, April 4, 2014


1 Corinthians 3:6-9              (1599 Geneva Bible)
"6 I (Paul) have planted, Apollos watered, but GOD gave the increase.
7 So then, neither is he that planteth anything, neither he that watereth, but GOD that giveth the increase.
8 And he that planteth, and he that watereth, are one, and every man shall receive his wages, according to his labor.
9 For we together are GOD’s laborers: ye are GOD’s husbandry, and GOD’s building.

My wife and I planted two "GARDEN BOXES" last year and they were so successful we decided to build two more this year.  Tomatoes, okra, and peppers were the chief crops we harvested last year.  I say my wife and I in a very liberal sense, as she did most of the planting, watering, and harvesting!  I helped build the "GARDEN BOXES"!

Our lives have amazing similarities to the "GARDEN BOXES".  The plants must be watered to prevent them from withering from the heat.  The weeds must be cleaned out to allow the nutrients from the moist soil to benefit the plants, and not the weeds. And when the crops are harvested too early, or too late, the fruits will not be as desirable as when the ripening process has been perfected.

There have been, and still are, many times in my life when I want something in my life NOW! The waiting for a harvest is not something I have ever grown accustomed to.  GOD is teaching me how I must trust in HIM not only for the amount of the increase, but the timing of the harvest.  HE will provide the things I need to do HIS work, in HIS time.

My grandfather was a great gardener.  He fed hundreds of people with the crops he grew.  I never saw him trying to hurry his harvest.  He always knew he had to wait on The LORD for his reward. Although storms, pestilence, weeds, and drought had to be dealt with many times, the harvest was always entrusted to GOD ABOVE.  I pray I will trust in The LORD for my reward in my "GARDEN BOXES" of life!

Thursday, April 3, 2014


Numbers 20:2-12                (ESV)
"2 Now there was no water for the congregation. And they assembled themselves together against Moses and against Aaron.
3 And the people quarreled with Moses and said, "Would that we had perished when our brothers perished before the LORD!
4 Why have you brought the assembly of the LORD into this wilderness, that we should die here, both we and our cattle?
5 And why have you made us come up out of Egypt to bring us to this evil place? It is no place for grain or figs or vines or pomegranates, and there is no water to drink."
6 Then Moses and Aaron went from the presence of the assembly to the entrance of the tent of meeting and fell on their faces. And the glory of the LORD appeared to them,
7 and the LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
8 "Take the staff, and assemble the congregation, you and Aaron your brother, and tell the rock before their eyes to yield its water. So you shall bring water out of the rock for them and give drink to the congregation and their cattle."
9 And Moses took the staff from before the LORD, as he commanded him.
10 Then Moses and Aaron gathered the assembly together before the rock, and he said to them, "Hear now, you rebels: shall we bring water for you out of this rock?"
11 And Moses lifted up his hand and struck the rock with his staff twice, and water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their livestock.
12 And the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "Because you did not believe in me, to uphold me as holy in the eyes of the people of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land that I have given them."

There are times when GOD speaks in a "still, small voice"!  But there are times when the directions from GOD are clear, and we KNOW what direction GOD is leading, and we chose our own plan of action.  Moses had been instructed in Exodus 17 to "strike the rock" to bring water to the Israelites.  In Numbers 20:8, The LORD instructed Moses to "tell the rock" right in the view of the people to yield water.  Instead, Moses struck the rock....TWICE........ and GOD provided water.

The consequences for disobedience are certain.  Moses and Aaron were not allowed to bring the children of Israel into the land GOD had promised.  Although they had led the disobedient children of Israel through the dessert for so long, the rebellion against GOD and the remedy of their sin was great!

GOD has not changed.  HE still requires obedience, and for HIS children to walk by faith. Moses had, no doubt, grown weary of the lack of faith exhibited by the children of Israel.  Instead if following GOD'S PLAN, Moses decided to do things his way.

I need to make sure I am following GOD'S PLAN and not relying on my own plan for my life. GOD'S ways are not my ways (Isaiah 55:8-9) and my thoughts usually result in chaos for my life.  My desire is not to wander in the wilderness, rather to follow GOD'S PLAN for my life into the Promised Land!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Matthew 20:17-19                       (1599 Geneva Bible)
"17 And Jesus went up to Jerusalem, and took the twelve disciples apart in the way, and said unto them,
18 Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and the Son of man shall be delivered unto the chief Priests, and unto the Scribes, and they shall condemn him to death,
19 And shall deliver him to the Gentiles, to mock, and to scourge, and to crucify him, but the third day he shall rise again."

Most people have their a "DREAM" on how their life will turn out. Some have a desire to be the owner of a large corporation.  Others may see a vacation home in the tropics. And some simply forecast themselves retiring from their jobs, doing household chores, and relaxing for awhile. 

JESUS came to earth for the expressed intent of being a sacrifice for my sins. No one murdered HIM (John 10:17-18).  Everything that happened in JESUS' life was placed by GOD before "the foundation of the world", and HE was there "in the beginning"! (John 1:1-3).   

JESUS foretold the humiliation, suffering, crucifixion, and resurrection for the disciples, but they could not "SEE" how that could happen.  HIS popularity was exploding and they could not understand that HE had a purpose on HIS life.  HE came into the world to provide salvation for me!  And nothing could prevent HIM from fulfilling that mission. 

We have a PURPOSE for our lives too.  The plan GOD had for JESUS was not where HE finished HIS handiwork.  GOD has a plan for each life.  HE is not surprised or alarmed by things that occur with us.  1 Peter 4 tells us to expect "fiery trials" that come our way, but to rejoice that we are able to "partake" in the sufferings of CHRIST!

JESUS knew the the suffering HE was to endure.  Yet, HE came to provide a PLAN for you and me.  Shall I expect to live in luxury when my Saviour gave everything for me?  Matthew 16:24 indicates we should "take up our cross" and follow HIM!  Whatever GOD has planned for my life, I plan to honor HIM!  My plan is not just to exist, but to thrive in "PURPOSEFUL LIVING"!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Romans 8:6-8          (English Standard Version)
"6 For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.
7 For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot.
8 Those who are in the flesh cannot please God."

Do you find yourself being burdened down with worry and anxiety?  Do you find yourself having thoughts of failure and defeat?  Where do these thoughts come from?  Why do we allow ourselves to constantly feel as though we are fighting a war we cannot win?

James 1:5-8 "If any of you LACKS WISDOM, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.  But let him ask in faith, with NO DOUBTING, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a DOUBLE-MINDED man, UNSTABLE in all his ways."  We choose to be DOUBLE-MINDED and allow the enemy to encamp in our minds. But the enemy will set up camp where GOD has not been allowed control!

But "If any of you lacks wisdom" does not put food on the table.  "If any of you lacks wisdom" does not does not pay the mortgage.  "If any of you lacks wisdom" does not prevent a catastrophic illness?  Dr. Charles Stanley teaches "Godly wisdom is the capacity to see things from the Father’s viewpoint and respond according to Scriptural principles."   BUT, how does WISDOM FROM GOD help us?  .......Wisdom to invest money properly, wisdom to know how to handle relationships, wisdom to know and follow HIS guidance, wisdom to maintain your health, and on and on???

But if we "set the mind on the flesh", death and destruction will follow!  Colossians 3:2 tells us "Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth".  Romans 12:2 enlightens us to "Do not be conformed (compliance) to this world, but be transformed (to change in form, appearance, or structure) by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Ephesians 6:12 says "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the SPIRITUAL FORCES of EVIL in the heavenly places".  The enemy wants to control our minds.  If we allow our minds to be influenced or controlled by the enemy, we are surrendering the battle to our foe.  I pray I will be alert (1 Peter 5:6-9) to know the enemy is seeking to win every battle I am weak enough to allow.  The MIND is where the battle is won and lost!  Who is going to win the battle for your mind???