Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Margaret Sue Wesson (October 3, 1928 - April 7, 2014)

Psalms 116:15               (1599 Geneva Bible)
"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints."

There are few other verses in scripture that comfort the way this one has.  People have read these scriptures for over 5,000 years and drawn strength, encouragement, admonishment,and guidance from them.  But the comfort that comes from knowing that someone you love has left this earthly world to be with their Creator is unimaginable.

Last evening I got a call from a friend of mine in Missouri.  Her mom was the wife of the pastor (Rev. Doyle Wesson) who led me to The LORD!  I had just called her mom, Margaret Sue Wesson, last week and we discussed me bringing her to where I live to visit old friends.  I thought her daughter was calling to talk about her trip.

Her daughter was calling to inform me that Margaret Sue had gone to her bed Monday evening and sat down. She never laid down.  Margaret Sue went to be with her Lord and Saviour while her old shell of a body was left sitting on the side of her bed.  While talking to Margaret Sue last week, she told me she was 85 years old.  She was born October 3, 1928 and went to Heaven on April 7, 2014.

I learned so much from Bro. Doyle & Margaret Sue.  The example they gave all through the lives they lived will impact me forever.  Margaret Sue will not be coming to my city to visit old friends like we planned.  Instead, she has gone to a "City Foursquare" to visit her Saviour.......forever!!

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