Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Proverbs 29:18                (1599 Geneva Bible)
"Where there is no vision, the people decay (perish): but he that keepeth the law is blessed."

Matthew 11:25                 (1599 Geneva Bible)
"At that time Jesus answered and said, I give thee thanks, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise, and men of understanding, and hast opened (revealed) them unto babes."

As I have aged, my vision is not what it used to be.  I use "readers" because the print has become too small to legibly read.  That is what I say to stroke my vanity!  But the truth be known, the print is not shrinking, rather my vision has weakened.

While perusing the headlines in the local newspaper recently, I read where some elected officials thought THEY had the answers to some of the problems our nation (and the world) faces.  The harsh reality is, our country needs to focus more on the "REAL ISSUE", and not the resulting symptoms.

"GOD is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth" (John 4:24)!  Until our eyes are opened to see past the natural, we will continue to experience failure.  A great leader one said that there were some people that "know so many things that aren't so"!  It is sad when people don't realize where they are going.  It is shameful when people are convinced they are headed in the right direction, only to find out the map they are using leads them to destruction.

In the late 1939's and early to mid 1940's, many Jews were "deported" to what they believed was a better place.  Some were even made to pay money to be sent to this better place. The trains they were loaded onto eventually carried these unsuspecting people to their death, as the Germans slaughtered them.  They thought they were headed for freedom, instead destruction was just ahead for them.

We must be vigilant to put GODLY men in the positions of leadership, or we risk riding our own DEATH TRAIN!  Although my vision is not what it used to be, I can see we are taking the wrong path.  The ONLY answers for our country, and the world, is for the people to focus on the "REAL ISSUE" and get our eyes off of the symptoms!

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