Friday, April 4, 2014


1 Corinthians 3:6-9              (1599 Geneva Bible)
"6 I (Paul) have planted, Apollos watered, but GOD gave the increase.
7 So then, neither is he that planteth anything, neither he that watereth, but GOD that giveth the increase.
8 And he that planteth, and he that watereth, are one, and every man shall receive his wages, according to his labor.
9 For we together are GOD’s laborers: ye are GOD’s husbandry, and GOD’s building.

My wife and I planted two "GARDEN BOXES" last year and they were so successful we decided to build two more this year.  Tomatoes, okra, and peppers were the chief crops we harvested last year.  I say my wife and I in a very liberal sense, as she did most of the planting, watering, and harvesting!  I helped build the "GARDEN BOXES"!

Our lives have amazing similarities to the "GARDEN BOXES".  The plants must be watered to prevent them from withering from the heat.  The weeds must be cleaned out to allow the nutrients from the moist soil to benefit the plants, and not the weeds. And when the crops are harvested too early, or too late, the fruits will not be as desirable as when the ripening process has been perfected.

There have been, and still are, many times in my life when I want something in my life NOW! The waiting for a harvest is not something I have ever grown accustomed to.  GOD is teaching me how I must trust in HIM not only for the amount of the increase, but the timing of the harvest.  HE will provide the things I need to do HIS work, in HIS time.

My grandfather was a great gardener.  He fed hundreds of people with the crops he grew.  I never saw him trying to hurry his harvest.  He always knew he had to wait on The LORD for his reward. Although storms, pestilence, weeds, and drought had to be dealt with many times, the harvest was always entrusted to GOD ABOVE.  I pray I will trust in The LORD for my reward in my "GARDEN BOXES" of life!

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