Saturday, April 19, 2014


Luke 24:4-8                  (1599 Geneva Bible)
"4 And it came to pass, that as they were amazed thereat, behold, two men (Angels) suddenly stood by them in shining vestures.
5 And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said to them, Why seek ye HIM that liveth, among the dead?
6 HE is not here, but is risen: 'REMEMBER' how HE spake unto you, when he was yet in Galilee,
7 Saying, that the SON OF MAN must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.
8 And they 'REMEMBERED' HIS words,"

Many times when I begin my writing session about scripture, my thoughts are on one subject, but the Spirit leads me in a different direction, even as I type my thoughts!  This morning my thoughts were on the doubt and dismay the disciples must have been experiencing while the body of JESUS was in the tomb. Their 'so-called' Messiah had been brutally ravaged and crucified before the multitudes, and now they must have been fearing they would be next!

All four Gospels have numerous accounts of JESUS predicting HIS sacrifice.  But the realization of the SON OF GOD literally sacrificing HIMSELF, so that mankind could experience true LIFE, was something they never grasped.  UNTIL.........UNTIL their eyes were opened to the truth!

Surely you have had one of those "AH-HA" moments!  You finally figure out what someone has been telling you, your mind finally "clicks", everything makes sense, and it all falls into place!  The disciples "REMEMBERED" the words that JESUS had repeatedly told them while in HIS ministry on earth.  JESUS HIMSELF had told all, on numerous occasions, what would transpire to HIS body and Spirit, but only now were their eyes opened!

Only now did they "REMEMBER" what JESUS was speaking about while HE ministered to them. Now, they were being prepared to minister to others and their mindset had to be changed.  Soon JESUS would appear to them again, and others, to validate HIS promise to overcome death, hell, and the grave.

We too can "REMEMBER" the words JESUS spoke to the disciples.  HE has to change our mindset sometimes to alter the way we see things, but when we submit our lives to HIM and HIS purpose for us, what we "REMEMBER" is made clear to us!  Do you "REMEMBER"?

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