Friday, April 18, 2014


John 12:23-26               (1599 Geneva Bible)
"23 And Jesus answered them, saying, The hour is come, that the Son of man must be glorified.
24 Verily, verily I say unto you, Except the wheat corn fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.
25 He that loveth his life, shall lose it, and HE THAT HATETH HIS LIFE IN THIS WORLD, shall keep it unto life eternal.
26 If any man serve me, let him follow me: for where I am, there shall my servant be: and if any man serve me, him will my father honor."

Today is "GOOD FRIDAY".  Sure it's Friday, but what makes it so good?  Why do we proclaim the day the world crucified 'GOD in the flesh' as something GOOD?  Was it GOOD that our despicable lives caused the PERFECT SON OF GOD to be sacrificed "for the remission of sins" (Matthew 26:28)!

JESUS CHRIST came to earth for a purpose!  That purpose was to provide the ULTIMATE REDEMPTION for mankind.  The Roman soldiers did not take HIS life!  HE laid HIS life down for all of mankind because "GOD SO LOVED"!  I have nothing worthy of being even recognized by a HOLY GOD, yet because JESUS took my place on Calvary, I am part of GOD'S family.

We all get so caught up with "LIFE IN THIS WORLD" that sometimes neglect the real life is in a world not yet revealed to most. JESUS said "HE THAT HATETH HIS LIFE IN THIS WORLD, shall keep it unto life eternal".  HE was not meaning we should hate to get up everyday and and serve HIM. I feel HE was saying we should not place so much emphasis on what is done on earth, but what is done for HIS KINGDOM!

Maybe the reason we celebrate "GOOD FRIDAY" is not so we can have another holiday?  Maybe the reason for "GOOD FRIDAY" is not about hunting eggs in a couple of days. Maybe "GOOD FRIDAY" is, that in GOD'S perfect plan, JESUS came to earth to provide redemption for all of us!  GOD'S perfect plan called for a "GOOD FRIDAY" so that there "could" be life on Easter.  Maybe that is why it is "GOOD FRIDAY"!!!

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