Friday, October 31, 2014


Colossians 3:1-4                  (ESV)
"1 If then you have been raised with CHRIST, seek the things that are above, where CHRIST is, seated at the right hand of GOD.
2 "SET YOUR MINDS" on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
3 For you have died, and your life is hidden with CHRIST in GOD.
4 When CHRIST who is your life appears, then you also will appear with HIM in glory."

The term "SET YOUR MIND" to it has been used for many years to verbalize how we can accomplish untold events if we focus on what we are trying to make happen.  The Apostle Paul instructed his readers to train their thoughts on the Heavenly, and not on things that are on this earth.  Our MINDS are a battleground, and we cannot allow the enemy ANY room to grow his harvest.  We must be ever on guard for his deceptive tricks and schemes!

The MIND is something we MUST guard like a great treasure.  In Matthew 22:37 JESUS says "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with ALL your MIND!"  The enemy will attack us with fear and doubt about any subject where he thinks we are vulnerable.  Finances, relationships, whether or not our faith that GOD is real, a health concern, or any opportunity to have our MINDS taken off of OUR LORD is a goal of satan.

When you "SET YOUR MINDS" on things of Heaven, the doubts and fears of "this world" are minimized and are placed into their proper perspective.  The worries and problems of "this world" seem so insignificant when we realize that Heaven is for eternity!  The New Living Translation of Colossians 3:2 says "Think about the things of Heaven".  Speaking for myself, when I am thinking of Heaven and praising JESUS, it is awful difficult to have fear and doubt control my life!  Fear and doubt can't exist where the Creator of all is in control!  

To "SET YOUR MINDS" on things of Heaven is an affront to the great deceiver.  The agenda of the evil one is to get us to focus on ourselves and OUR OWN prosperity.  In reality, we "have died" and are hidden with CHRIST (Col 3:3) and will appear with HIM in glory soon.  My prayer is that I will guard my MIND, realizing the value of what goes on in that battle ground!  To acknowledge that the enemy is against us is a wise thing, but to "SET YOUR MINDS" on the things of Heaven is what our focus should be on!  

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