Saturday, February 28, 2015


1 Corinthians 6:19-20                      (ESV)
"19 Or do you not know that YOUR BODY IS A TEMPLE of the HOLY SPIRIT within you, whom you have from GOD? "YOU ARE NOT YOUR OWN",
20 for you were bought with a price. So GLORIFY GOD in your body."

Eating Blue Bell Moo llineum Crunch ice cream is one of the most pleasurable earthly things that I am aware of!  When I eat Blue Bell Moo llineum Crunch I am not affecting others.  As a matter of fact I usually prefer to be alone when I "indulge"!  But the Blue Bell Moo llineum Crunch ice cream is not affected by who sees me eating it, only by being ingested into my body.  When I eat things that are on my "DO NOT EAT" list, I usually gain weight which is not good for me!

The fact that I love Blue Bell Moo llineum Crunch does not mean that it loves me!  GOD's Word says my body is not my own!  Eating outside of GOD's Plan can bring disastrous results that we may not recognize if we are TOO BUSY.  Recently there was a message shared with me that included some characteristics of GOD (stills you; reassures you; leads you; enlightens you; forgives you; CALMS you; encourages you; comforts you).  There were also some characteristics of the devil shared (RUSHES you; Frightens you; Pushes you; CONFUSES you; CONDEMNS you; Stresses you; Discourages you; WORRIES you).  The enemy tries to get us so worked up where we believe everything is dependent on something or someone OTHER  than GOD.  The enemy doesn't care who or what we are looking to for our focus in life, just as long as we are NOT focused on GOD ALMIGHTY!

Many times I have been asked if some act is a "sin".  In light of this Bible Study I would have to replay that "YOU ARE NOT YOUR OWN" and you need to ask whosever your body belongs to! If I borrow someone's automobile and drive it somewhere to damage their reputation, then my future ability to borrow anything from them will be in jeopardy!  "YOU ARE NOT YOUR OWN" should let us know that IF WE ARE BORN AGAIN we are NOT the one in charge of our body.  The HOLY SPIRIT indwells us, by the power of ALMIGHTY GOD, and HE is the ONE we should ask if something is okay for us to do!

That is why it is SO critical that we have a time of Bible Study, prayer and meditation every day! If we are not listening to and for GOD and HIS direction in our lives, the enemy is accomplishing his goal.  The reality that "YOU ARE NOT YOUR OWN" is a humbling, yet enlightening, thing.  Our temples (our bodies) are inhabited by the Spirit we allow to reign on our throne.  We can surrender to THE KING, or we can be ruled by an imposter.  But the unmistakable, eternal fact remains I can't eat Blue Bell Moo llineum Crunch whenever I like, for I AM NOT MY OWN!!!

Thursday, February 26, 2015


Ephesians 6:10-13                        (ESV)
"10 Finally, "BE STRONG IN THE LORD" and in the strength of his might.
11 Put on the whole armor of GOD, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.
12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
13 Therefore take up the whole armor of GOD, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm."

We recently discussed the importance of recognizing that mankind was a Spiritual being before he was a physical being.  When a Spiritual person becomes aware that they are Spirit first, they must start Spiritually "working out".  We can say we are going to "BE STRONG IN THE LORD" all we want, but until prepare for Spiritual battle we cannot begin to BE STRONG!  

Going to a gymnasium is not something I am very familiar with.  I prefer walking in my neighborhood for my exercise. When I go out for a walk, I have to dress appropriately.  I love to sweat so I usually wear warm-ups, even in the hottest days of summer.  Everytime I go walking I have to PUT ON MY ENTIRE WALKING CLOTHES as my desire is to get a good workout.  If I go walking without MY WALKING CLOTHES, the time spent walking will be not as productive as it could have been.  

Wrestling against RULERS, AUTHORITIES, and COSMIC POWERS means we must be, not physically fit, but Spiritually fit!  To do this we MUST exercise CONSTANTLY!  Spiritually exercise, that is!  To prepare for "the schemes of the devil" one had better be prepared.  To "BE STRONG IN THE LORD" does not have anything to do with dumbbells and jogging suits.  

If we desire to "BE STRONG IN THE LORD" we have to "Put on the whole armor of GOD".  We cannot "BE STRONG IN THE LORD" if we do not EXERCISE our FAITH!  Putting on the whole armor of GOD is the first step should be the first step in our exercise program.  This Spiritual exercise program is about letting CHRIST continue to dominate our lives.  Spending time in Scripture, meditating on HIS Word, talking with the FATHER and growing Spiritually is what it all about!  If we are going to fight a good fight against the enemy, we must "BE STRONG IN THE LORD"!  

The great deceiver wasn't named in haste, rather after he proved himself vile and sadistic beyond our wildest imagination.  To properly identify our enemy we cannot take him lightly or underestimate his ruthlessness.  To "BE STRONG IN THE LORD" isn't just a defensive posture, but in order to mount a assault against the forces of evil we must be ARMED!  LORD, I pray my life exhibits YOUR characteristics and that I will "BE STRONG IN THE LORD"!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Colossians 2:6-9                        (ESV)
"6 Therefore, as you received CHRIST JESUS the LORD, so walk in HIM,
7 rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.
8 See to it that "NO ONE TAKES YOU CAPTIVE" by philosophy and empty deceit, according to "human tradition", according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to CHRIST.
9 For in HIM the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily,"

The world of espionage has intrigued many people in the past.  Somebody makes themselves out to be friendly to a certain cause while assisting the enemy of said cause.  The DECEIVER (also known as a SPY) usually isn't committed to the cause and is sometimes persuaded to switch to the side they were opposing to begin with!   The consequences are usually pretty grim if they are caught!

Mankind was created in GOD's likeness (Genesis 1:26-27).  Man became "flesh" in Genesis 2:7 when GOD "breathed into his nostrils the breath of life"!  So man's Spirit was created before his body.  For many years I was of the understanding that man (the body) was created before man (the Spirit).  In John 4:24 JESUS says "GOD is Spirit".  Our Spirit is therefore what is most important.  JESUS said in Matthew 10:28 "And do not fear those who KILL the BODY but cannot KILL the SOUL. Rather fear him who can destroy both SOUL and BODY in HELL."

The "great deceiver" has always been about making things appear to be what they are not.  When scripture records that we should make sure "NO ONE TAKES YOU CAPTIVE", it is not referring to being physically imprisoned.  The Apostles spent many days physically imprisoned because of their belief that JESUS CHRIST was GOD in the flesh, and that HE would return one day!  But they knew their Spirit's were in CHRIST JESUS and could not be taken!

We don't need to be DECEIVED by the enemy into focusing on the natural, but we need to set "our sights on things above" (Colossians 3:2).  Many times have I witnessed on film a lion being DECEIVED into thinking he had some food, only to be trapped by a human. The lion could have torn the human to shreds, but the lion allowed himself to be TAKEN CAPTIVE!  While we focus on the natural, the enemy is spiritually wreaking havoc in our lives!  Please, keep your Spiritual "sights on things above" and make certain "NO ONE TAKES YOU CAPTIVE"!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Genesis 32:24-29                (KJV)
"24 And "JACOB WAS LEFT ALONE"; and there wrestled a MAN with him until the breaking of the day.
25 And when HE saw that HE prevailed not against him, HE touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was out of joint, as HE wrestled with him.
26 And HE said, Let ME go, for the day breaketh. And he (Jacob) said, I will not let THEE go, except THOU bless me.
27 And HE said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob.
28 And HE said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with GOD and with men, and hast prevailed.
29 And Jacob asked HIM, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, THY name. And HE said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after MY name? And HE blessed him there."

There are times in life when we HAVE to be ALONE, and usually when we are ALONE, we have to spend time with GOD.  Jacob was a quandary in his life.  He felt his brother, Esau, would find him and kill him because Jacob had gained the birthright from him.  In his anguish "JACOB WAS LEFT ALONE" and GOD intervened and transformed Jacob's life in the process. 

It has been said many times "there is nothing worse than being alone"!  That may be the case if a person doesn't know the GOD I know, but to spend time with GOD is NOT spending time alone!  "JACOB WAS LEFT ALONE" by worldly standards, but I would submit when Jacob wrestled a MAN he was NO LONGER alone!  Whether it was GOD ALMIGHTY, HIS SON JESUS, or some other Heavenly being, Jacob encountered a Divine being that night that Jacob KNEW could bless him unlike anything he imagined.  Jacob could not, and would not, let this opportunity pass him by!

Might it have been Jacob was put into the difficult times in his life to prepare his mentality to refuse to let go of the Heavenly being UNTIL he received his blessing?  The circumstances we sometimes find ourselves in helps determine our resolve to locate a solution to our anguish. Since "JACOB WAS LEFT ALONE" it meant his only assistance would have to come from that Heavenly being with whom he struggled.  The Heavenly being told Jacob he would be called ISRAEL henceforth.  Israel defined means "the prince of GOD", therefore verse 28 says "for as a prince hast thou power with GOD"!  

The nation of Israel, it's name derived from JACOB, has been a close ally on the United States for many years.  But once again, Israel is finding itself alone LEFT ALONE when it comes to defending Herself.  The United States is currently led by those who believe that the problem lies within our borders.  The REAL problem is with anyone who chooses to elevate and honor anyone but GOD JEHOVAH!  Turning our backs on GOD and Israel is a mistake, as indicated in Genesis 12:3 "And I will BLESS them that BLESS thee (Israel), and curse him that curseth thee"!

"JACOB WAS LEFT ALONE" alright, he was left alone with a Heavenly being whom he would not let go until HE blessed him.  The descendants of Jacob have been known as Israel (the prince of GOD) ever since.  "JACOB WAS LEFT ALONE" can be an isolated experience, but GOD has promised to NEVER leave them or forsake them!  It would be a wise thing for us to remember GOD's WORD!  HE is not playing!!!

Monday, February 23, 2015


1 Corinthians 3:16-23                            (ESV)
"16 Do you not know that you are GOD's temple and that GOD's Spirit dwells in you?
17 If anyone destroys GOD's temple, GOD will destroy him. For GOD's temple is holy, and you are that temple.
18 Let no one deceive himself. If anyone among you "thinks" that he is wise in this age, let him become a fool that he may become wise.
19 FOR THE "WISDOM OF THIS WORLD" IS FOLLY WITH GOD. For it is written, "HE catches the wise in their craftiness,"
20 and again, "The LORD knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are futile."
21 So let no one boast in men. For all things are yours,
22 whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or the present or the future-all are yours,
23 and you are CHRIST's, and CHRIST is GOD's."

In my limited WISDOM there has always been a certain respect for those with a higher level of education.  Serving on the local school board for 9 years and admiring some of the educators and their desire to better themselves and their students was always gratifying to see.  But when I take into account the teachings of GOD's Word, all earthly knowledge tends to fall woefully short comparatively!  

It is written, in 1 Corinthians 3:19, that the "WISDOM OF THIS WORLD" is "FOLLY" with GOD'. One definition of "FOLLY" is "the state or quality of being foolish; lack of understanding or sense."  Can you imagine a HOLY GOD observing world leaders making plans for their nations without consulting a HOLY GOD who knows the future?  Now my carnal response might be to say "watch this" as those plans were met with HOLY INTERVENTION and were thwarted with seemingly no resistance.  But GOD is a loving GOD and HE desires to see HIS children OBEY HIM!  And scripture says we benefit from obeying HIS WORD!  

Joshua 1:7 says "Only be strong and very courageous, being careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you. DO NOT turn from it to the RIGHT HAND or to the LEFT, that you may have GOOD SUCCESS wherever you go."  "The LORD knows the thoughts of the wise, THAT THEY ARE FUTILE" was quoted by the Apostle Paul.  The contrast seems very clear, unless you are one of those whose vision is clouded by your education.  

Proverbs 14:12 says in words that are not easily misunderstood, "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death."  You can follow the "WISDOM OF THIS WORLD" but when times get difficult, who will you call on for assistance?  Following GOD's plan for your life, and not turning to the RIGHT HAND or the LEFT, will bring you GOOD SUCCESS!  And you can have GOD there for you to guide you!  In weighing my options, you can have the "WISDOM OF THIS WORLD", but I choose to follow the plan GOD directs me in and enjoy GOOD SUCCESS!!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

"the PLAN!"

Proverbs 19:21                (ESV)
"Many are "the PLAN"s in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand."

How many times have I sat down and planned within the boundaries of my mind where my life will eventually carry me?  The journey we wind up taking is one that I, nor a brilliant story teller of fact or fiction, could not have dreamed of!  A boy whose was abandoned by his earthly father, raised with two sisters by a single mother with little resources, meets and marries a beautiful, loving, supportive woman, they have two, Godly, healthy boys, then has a near fatal brain hemorrhage from which he recovers completely.........!  No, I can't top that!

Why then do I want to question what GOD has in store for my life?  Shouldn't I just enjoy "the PLAN" HE has laid out for me and enjoy the ride?  1 Corinthians 2:9 says "But, as it is written, "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the HEART of man IMAGINED, what GOD has prepared for those who love him"!  We cannot even imagine in our heart what GOD has PLANned for our lives.   

Yet, we find ourselves trying to plot and figure out how we can make more money, live healthier, longer lives, make our kids mind better, and on and on.  How many times in GOD's Word are we instructed to "TRUST HIM"?  And then how many times are we instructed to "MAKE MORE"?  GOD knows that money, health, and possessions will not provide happiness!  

"the PLAN"s of man are flawed and have to be corrected constantly for survival.  But if we follow "the PLAN" for our lives laid out by GOD THE FATHER, peace and contentment are sure to be the result!  Fame and fortune won't necessarily come our way, but fulfilling GOD's PLAN is more rewarding than anything we can imagine!  

Saturday, February 21, 2015


Joshua 1:5-7        (ESV)
"5 NO MAN shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you.
6 Be strong and courageous, for you shall cause this people to INHERIT  the land that I swore to their fathers to give them.
7 Only BE STRONG and VERY COURAGEOUS, being careful to do according to ALL THE LAW that Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the RIGHT hand or to the LEFT, that you may have "GOOD SUCCESS" wherever you go."

In my early years my grandfather promised my two sisters and I that he would give us money to go to the fair if we would pull weeds in the pasture behind our house.  We were excited about having our own money to spend at the fair, but soon realized to get that money we had to pull weeds!  My grandfather must have been exceedingly gracious, for the day before the fair began us kids came home from school and the weeds were GONE!  I never found out what happened, but I'm sure a bush hog was involved.  

ALMIGHTY GOD is more gracious than my grandfather could ever be.  In verse seven GOD instructs Joshua to be "careful to do according to ALL THE LAW".  Now GOD had to have known that HIS children could not follow ALL THE LAW, just like my grandfather knew my sisters and I couldn't get all the weeds pulled in time for the fair.  But GOD promised "GOOD SUCCESS" if HIS children obeyed HIM.  But the promise was conditional!

Just like us kids wanted to go to the fair, mankind always has a desire to reap rewards.  However, we are not so keen on doing what is required to bring about those rewards.  When the Creator of the Universe promises "GOOD SUCCESS", the rewards are generally beyond our wildest dreams.  All we have to do is follow HIS directions and we will have "GOOD SUCCESS" from GOD above.  

HIS promises are limitless, yet we are deceived into believing OUR WAY is more desirable.  The "GOOD SUCCESS" promised to us is not something we earn.  GOD told Joshua in verse six the Israelites would INHERIT the land!  I thank GOD for HIS mercies and grace, for I am not worthy of "GOOD SUCCESS" on my own!  

Friday, February 20, 2015


Matthew 7:15-20                     (ESV)
"15 "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.
16 You will "YOU WILL RECOGNIZE THEM BY THEIR FRUITS". Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?
17 So, every "healthy tree" bears "good fruit", but the "diseased tree" bears "bad fruit".
18 A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit.
19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.

Recently there was a somewhat "risqué" picture on my Facebook wall posted by a friend I had accepted within the past month.  I "hid" the picture from view and continued looking at my wall. A little further down my wall another post from the same friend was quoting scripture and had a statement about living for CHRIST.  My mind immediately went to the verse that says "YOU WILL RECOGNIZE THEM BY THEIR FRUITS"!  

In reading in Matthew 7:17 though, I noticed something that caught my attention.  Being human, there are none of us "without fault" in our lives.  If my life were examined, it would be a rather humbling observation.  But according to scripture a "healthy tree" produces "good fruit"!  It is not because the healthy tree TRIES harder, or is has a better genealogy.  It simply is because their is "good" inside that tree and the "fruits" have no choice but to be "good"!  Conversely, a "diseased tree" has no option to produce anything but "bad fruit"!  We can attempt to display "good fruit", but if we don't have "good" inside us, we will continually some up short.  

We are not to judge, according to scripture (Matthew 7:1).  But JESUS said "YOU WILL RECOGNIZE THEM BY THEIR FRUITS".  No one us can produce fruits that are different from what is inside us.  It is incumbent upon us to be able to INSPECT the FRUIT of those around us.  Not to ridicule and condemn, but to encourage and exhort them to have their lives transplanted into a "NEW CREATION"!  

Our GOD is a loving and HOLY GOD and HE cannot abide a sinful life.  HE loves us so much that HE sent JESUS as our only hope of reconciliation to HIM.  All humankind is required to do is admit that JESUS is GOD and surrender our desires and direction of our lives to HIM.  When we do this, HE will make sure our lives are transplanted and "YOU WILL RECOGNIZE THEM BY THEIR FRUITS"!  

Thursday, February 19, 2015

"the WORD was GOD!"

John 1:1-3                            (ESV)
"1 In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with GOD, and "the WORD was GOD".
2 HE was in the beginning with GOD.
3 All things were made through HIM, and without HIM was not any thing made that was made.
4 In HIM was LIFE, and the LIFE was the LIGHT of men."

The book of John is one of my personal favorite books in the Bible.  Revealing JESUS to us as a friend, a Saviour, our example, and a constant support system is something I wonder if John fully understood when he was writing these words so many years ago.  Yet, GOD in HIS infinite wisdom and divine intervention, gave these WORDS to HIS servant to change the hearts and minds of mankind for years to come.  The first four verses of John have captured my attention recently as I have meditated them and let GOD speak to my heart. 

To begin with, we must comprehend that "GOD is Spirit" (John 4:24)!  JESUS also said in John 10:30 that "I and the Father are ONE".  So JESUS let's us know plainly that HE and the FATHER are Spirit!  Although JESUS took on a fleshly body for HIS earthly ministry, the fact that HE has always BEEN, and always will BE, lets me know that the Spiritual realm is where we need to have our focus.  The physical (body) realm will "pass away" one day and the Spirit realm will be all that remains!  

If JESUS is LIFE (verse 4) and HIS LIFE is the LIGHT of men, then those who refuse to see the LIGHT are lost in darkness.  In John 12 JESUS illustrates the love of GOD expressly when HE said in verse 32 "And I, when I am "lifted up" from the earth, will draw all people to MYSELF."  When people see the LIFE and LIGHT of the CHRIST living through us, HE is exalted!  When someone is exalted, they are essentially "lifted up"!  Maybe darkness is advancing because The LIGHT isn't being "lifted up" like HE should?

As long as GOD chooses to give me LIFE in my physical body I will lift HIM up!  The fact that "the WORD was GOD" means that JESUS (and GOD) came to earth as a friend, a Saviour, and our example for a purpose!  John 12:27 says "But for this "PURPOSE" I have come to this hour."  JESUS loved me so much that HE left HIS throne to become flesh so I could be inhabited by HIS SPIRIT!  Since GOD is Spirit, and HE inhabits me, everyone should see "the WORD was GOD" in my life!  

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Philippians 4:8-9                       (ESV)
"8 Finally, brothers, whatever is TRUE, whatever is HONORABLE, whatever is JUST, whatever is PURE, whatever is LOVELY, whatever is COMMENDABLE, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, "THINK ABOUT THESE THINGS".
9 What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me - practice these things, and the GOD of peace will be with you."

Romans 12:2                            (ESV)
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the "RENEWAL OF YOUR MIND", that by testing you may discern what is the will of GOD, what is good and acceptable and perfect."

Many times I have written about the MIND being a battlefield, and our enemy trying to control what we allow into our MINDS!  Recognizing and identifying that the enemy is, and will, attack our minds is one of the premier items that must be contemplated when a thought is formed in our MINDS.  Where did the thought originate from?  Is the thought from GOD, or the great deceiver?

The characteristics in Philippians 4:8 are a good starting point to consider.  If something is TRUE, HONORABLE, PURE, LOVELY, or COMMENDABLE there is a good chance it did not  originate from evil.  Please be on guard though, the enemy can hijack a good motivation and turn it into something to divide and destroy!  Anything that causes dissension can be traced back to the father of lies and divide.  He is all about tearing down, while JESUS is all about lifting up....THE FATHER!

Our MINDS have to be like a garden.  If the MIND is allowed to lay fallow, it will begin to produce weeds and undesirable growth.  The things that we allow to be cultivated in our MINDS says a lot about what kind of person we are.  If we allow filth and sin to be cultivated in our lives, usually filth and sin will be what we reap!  However, if we permit the traits that are TRUE, HONORABLE, PURE, LOVELY, or COMMENDABLE to grow in our lives, the Apostle Paul says "the GOD of peace will be with you."  

In order for us to have a "RENEWAL OF YOUR MINDS" we must stay in GOD's Word and before HIS throne continuously.  I wish I could read the Bible all day long, but like Joshua in Exodus 33:11, my job duties require me to LEAVE THE TENT!  The "RENEWAL OF YOUR MIND" is not something that will happen through osmosis!  As effort must be made to elevate the FATHER before us.  If we endeavor to have a "RENEWAL OF OUR MIND" and not focus on selfish or worldly desires, we will be able to discern "what is good and acceptable and perfect" for HIS glory!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

"whoever does NOT GATHER with ME scatters."

Matthew 12:30                           (ESV)
"Whoever is not with ME is against ME, and "whoever does NOT GATHER with ME scatters."

So many times GOD's Word is slanted, or manipulated, to try to accentuate a certain viewpoint.   In Matthew 12:30 there is no twisting the words spoken by JESUS.  JESUS is telling HIS disciples and us that if we are not helping HIS cause, then we are helping the enemy and his cause!  

Several people want to believe they are not taking sides in this war.  They want to make themselves believe they aren't offending or alienating the enemy when they will not stand with JESUS and HIS teachings.  But JESUS was pretty plain when HE said "whoever does not gather with ME scatters!"  JESUS said if you are not helping, you are DEFINITELY hurting!

The spiritual battle IS going on all around us.  We can do our best to ignore or recognize it, but that doesn't make any less real.  When we fail to advance the cause of CHRIST, we aid the enemy!  The example has been given of a stone in a does nothing to aid the pursuer, but it makes it more difficult for the one pulling the wagon to escape the pursuer!  

If "whoever does NOT GATHER with ME scatters" is true (and JESUS was not speaking idle words in this verse), where does that leave us?  Am I "setting myself apart" with my deeds and  actions, or am I "going along with the crowd"?  My prayer is that my life will not be defined by "whoever does NOT GATHER with ME scatters", but that I can be identified as being on the RIGHT TEAM!!

Monday, February 16, 2015


Luke 24:45-49                          (ESV)
"45 Then HE 'opened their minds' to understand the Scriptures,
46 and said to them, "Thus it is written, that the CHRIST SHOULD SUFFER and on the third day rise from the dead,
47 and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.
48 You are witnesses of these things.
49 And behold, I am sending the promise of my FATHER upon you. But "STAY IN THE CITY" until you are CLOTHED with POWER from on high."

Reading from John 1 during a recent study, my "app" of the Bible was on John 1 when I opened it this morning.  Just before John 1 is Luke 24.  I read for a few verses just to see if GOD was directing me there and I could not get passed Luke 24:49 and the words "STAY IN THE CITY" until you are clothed with power from on high!  

I begin to read a little further back to gain a perspective on what was being said to me.  In verse 45 scripture indicates that JESUS 'opened their minds'.  Were their (the disciples) minds previously closed, or did they not have a desire to understand the scriptures?  I believe it was 'GOD's timing' that the disciples JUST NOW had some things REVEALED to them so GOD could be glorified to the maximum!  

In verse 46 scripture records that the CHRIST SHOULD SUFFER.  Now if our example, brother, and LORD should suffer, what makes us think we should be any different?  Why should we believe that the road we will travel during our life will be a smooth one with no difficulties?  I am sure the disciples wanted to begin their ministry proclaiming that JESUS CHRIST was risen from the dead and had overcome the world!  They must have been chomping at the bit to tell SOMEONE about the goodness of GOD!  But sometimes we have to SUFFER through somethings, just like JESUS did, for GOD to be glorified through our lives!

JESUS gave them direct instructions to "STAY IN THE CITY" until they were clothed with power from on high!  There are times when I don't understand why I am being held back and am not released to tell the TRUTH about the goodness of GOD.  The disciples had been with JESUS in HIS earthly ministry for three years.  They had to had stories to relate to everyone that would listen, but they had to wait on 'GOD's timing' before HE could get glory.  

The disciples surely must have thought they were ready to share with the world, but JESUS instructed them to "STAY IN THE CITY"!  Sometimes we have to "STAY IN THE CITY" and wait for the Holy Spirit to empower us before GOD can get glory.  It is not like we don't have a story to tell, rather we have to wait on 'GOD's timing'!  When the SPIRIT is ready to move we will not have to "STAY IN THE CITY" any longer!  

Sunday, February 15, 2015


John 15:18-19     (ESV)
"If "THE WORLD HATES YOU", know that it has hated ME before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you."

Don't fret and be concerned that there are some who can't seem to agree with anything you do!  JESUS said "THE WORLD HATES YOU" not to make unbelievers feel inferior, but to edify HIS Church.  If "THE WORLD HATES YOU", you must be doing something right!!!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

"be acceptable in THY sight"

Psalms 19:14                            (KJV)
"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in THY sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer."

This words of this verse were used in a Praise Chorus sang by the church I attended a few years back.  This Praise Chorus was on my mind recently and I "SLOWED DOWN" and started singing the Chorus with great thought.  Never have I thought about the words being offered up as much as I did while reminiscing about this Chorus. 

"Let the words of my mouth" to me has always seemed to be a post-speech request.  When I examined the verse more closely, the conclusion I arrived at was more of a pre-speech prayer.  If the words I use are words that come from the Throne of GOD, then the end result should honor HIM.  Words that do not honor HIM aren't worth the breath used to speak them!  

"The meditation of my heart", of course, is confirmed in other scriptures.  Matthew 12:34 contains the phrase "for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh".  If the heart is bubbling out words of love and grace, it is not set on self!  But one of my favorite passages is 
Luke 6:45 which says "A GOOD MAN out of the good treasure of his HEART bringeth forth that which is GOOD; and an EVIL MAN out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is EVIL: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh."  My "words" must preceded by "meditation" as trouble usually follows when I "shoot from the hip"!

The words "be acceptable in THY sight" is the key to the verse, in my opinion.  If our thoughts and words are pleasing in HIS sight, the language of many of us would be dramatically altered I fear.  Doing our best to be certain we can "be acceptable in THY sight" is the goal we should ALL strive for.  When our deeds can "be acceptable in THY sight" we generally steer clear of conflict and dissension.  My desire is to have my entire life "be acceptable in THY sight" and let HIM control everything I do!!

Thursday, February 12, 2015


1 Corinthians 3:18-20                      (ESV)
"18 Let no one deceive himself. If anyone among you THINKS that he is wise in this age, let him become a fool that he may become wise.
19 For the wisdom of this world is folly with GOD. For it is written, "HE catches the wise in their craftiness,"
20 and again, "The LORD knows "THE THOUGHTS OF THE WISE", that they are futile."

Having an abundance of WISDOM has never been something anyone has accused me of!  Not being from a family of great wealth or notoriety, I have never thought myself to be of much consequence on earthly matters.  While serving on a local School Board for almost nine years, I was exposed to many individuals from several regions who were educated, by worldly standards, to a very high degree.  But the so-called WISDOM of these individuals usually left others scratching their heads in disbelief!  

True WISDOM only can come from GOD ALMIGHTY!  In Romans 9:14-20, the Apostle Paul reminisces about Moses and King Pharaoh.  Now Moses had killed a man in his younger years and fled to another country.  Certainly no one would have considered him worthy of being used by GOD to lead HIS children from captivity given his socioeconomic status!  King Pharaoh, on the other hand, was ruler of the greatest dynasty known to mankind.  Moses followed GOD's direction and led the Israelites across the Red Sea.  King Pharaoh followed after them in his wisdom and was drowned in the same Red Sea!  

James 1:5 says "If any of you LACKS WISDOM, let him ask GOD, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him."  Proverbs 2:6-7 says "For the LORD gives wisdom; from HIS mouth come knowledge and understanding; HE stores up sound wisdom for the upright; HE is a shield to those who walk in integrity". The LORD gives WISDOM to those who WALK IN INTEGRITY!  You can't expect to GOD to bless you with WISDOM to be used for selfish purposes.  GOD is about bring honor and glory to HIS name, not ours!

The LORD knows "THE THOUGHTS OF THE WISE"!   HE knew the thoughts of King Pharaoh as he led the Egyptians into the Red Sea.  Mankind can develop their plans to educate and increase knowledge all they want.  But only GOD can grant true WISDOM and HE reserves that WISDOM for those whose heart seeks after HIM and HIS glory!  Thinking you are wise is not something we should strive for, rather to become a fool for HIS glory!  Remember, GOD knows "THE THOUGHTS OF THE WISE" and HE can grant WISDOM or withhold that WISDOM!  

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


1 Peter 5:5-7                                          (ESV)
"5 Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for "GOD opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble."
6 "HUMBLE YOURSELVES", therefore, under the mighty hand of GOD so that at the proper time HE may exalt you,
7 casting all your anxieties on HIM, because HE cares for you."

JESUS had to do a lot of things for me during HIS earthly ministry, many of which were uncomfortable.  For me to be instructed to "HUMBLE YOURSELVES" is not something most of us would stand in line for!   As a matter of fact, most get almost offensive if they are HUMBLED by others.  One definition of HUMBLE says "having a feeling of insignificance, inferiority, SUBSERVIENCE, etc.:".  

So why did the Apostle Peter write that we should "HUMBLE YOURSELVES"?  In verse 5 above Peter writes "you who are younger, be subject to the elders".  The question would beg to be answered, who is YOUNGER?  YOUNGER can be subjective.  A 25 year-old person is YOUNGER than a 50 year-old person, but the 50 year-old may be YOUNGER than a 75 year-old?  One might consider that Peter was referring to Spiritual Maturity more than physical maturity?  Later on in verse 5 Peter instructs ALL OF YOU (me included!) to exhibit humility toward one another!  So a 75 year-old may need to humble himself to a 25 year-old FOR THE GLORY OF GOD?  The glorification of GOD should be what we all are consumed with.  

Having a Spirit of SUBSERVIENCE is not something that comes easily for me.  My preference is to DO WHAT I THINK IS BEST and suffer if I am wrong!  It might be GOD has sent someone into my life Spiritually younger, and maybe physically younger, to see if I will HUMBLE myself under the might hand of GOD?  The CORRECT answers may not always come from the most qualified, seemingly fit, source?  If GOD can speak through a donkey (Numbers 22:28), HE can certainly use other things in my life to get HIS message across to me!

We need to comprehend what we need to do to "HUMBLE YOURSELVES"!  Doing things that are contrary to GOD's Word and plan for our lives is not what HE will lead someone into your life to share with you!  For us show humility to others, we first must "HUMBLE YOURSELVES" before a Might GOD!  We will, more than likely, not always have the answers to all of the situations we find ourselves in.  Whether GOD chooses to speak to me through a donkey, a younger person, or a TREE, my prayer is that the words "HUMBLE YOURSELVES" will not be foreign to me!  

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


John 4:7-10                          (ESV)
"7 A woman from Samaria came to draw water. JESUS said to her, "Give ME a drink."
8 (For HIS disciples had gone away into the city to buy food.)
9 The Samaritan woman said to HIM, "How is it that YOU, a Jew, ask for a drink from me, a woman of Samaria?" (For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.)
10 JESUS answered her, "IF YOU KNEW" the gift of GOD, and who it is that is saying to you, 'Give me a drink,' you would have asked HIM, and HE would have given you living water."

The woman at the well is one of the most intriguing stories in the Bible.  JESUS "had" to go through Samaria, according to John 4:4, which says "And HE HAD to pass through Samaria."  John 4:39 gives the reason why HE HAD to pass through Samaria when it says "Many Samaritans from that town believed in HIM because of the woman's testimony, "HE told me all that I ever did."  JESUS did not just HAPPEN to go through Samaria, HE HAD to go there because GOD was directing HIM there!

The woman at the well was not one that was high in high esteem by most.  According to the words of JESUS, she had been married FIVE times and the man she was currently with she wasn't married to!  Yet JESUS HAD TO GO through Samaria because GOD was going to use this woman to glorify HIMSELF to a number of soon to be believers.  Not because they were worthy or had earned the right to be blessed by GOD, but in HIS infinite grace and mercy, HE wanted ALL mankind to know that they were worthy of HIS forgiveness.  

How many times do I feel as though someone is too far gone to be drawn into the LOVE and MERCY of GOD?  Am I just as guilty as those who pre-judged the woman at the well and the people of Samaria?  Do I allow "the world" to label and classify unbelievers into being too "bad" to be used by GOD?  When GOD opens our eyes to reveal what we could have been (were it not for HIS mercy and grace), it makes me realize how judgmental I have been.  

"IF YOU KNEW" may have been JESUS' way of saying that if we could see things from GOD's perspective our thoughts and actions might be different than they currently are?  "IF YOU KNEW" of the blessings that GOD had in store for your life it may cause us to live our lives differently?  "IF YOU KNEW" the ramifications of NOT following HIS leadership and guidance in our lives, we might be more submissive to HIM?  

Although I have not been married five times, I am certainly no saint!  A display of the valleys I have descended to would not be pretty if displayed on a movie screen.  The mercy and forgiveness of GOD is something I continuously seem to claim in my life.  But GOD SO LOVED me, and I am so glad HE did!  HE loves you too, and you could receive the same forgiveness ......."IF YOU KNEW"!!!

Friday, February 6, 2015


Genesis 3:22-23                           (KJV)
"22 And the LORD GOD said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:
23 Therefore the LORD GOD sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to "TILL THE GROUND" from whence he (man) was taken."

Many times I have written about my grandfather working in the garden in my growing up years.  "Grandpa" would wake up early (around 4:30 or 5:00am) and go into the garden and hoe, pull weeds, or water before anyone else was awake.  His garden was anywhere from 2 acres to 5 acres, depending on the year.  He would feed his entire family and a number of people who would buy produce from his garden.  All of those people benefitted from my grandfather TILLING THE GROUND!

When GOD "sent forth" Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden HE said they were to "TILL THE GROUND" from which he was taken.  To "till" means to labor or work.  For man to have a sense of worth and meaning, he has to work to produce something.  That GOD has built into mankind an uncanny need to accomplish a task is not surprising.  That the enemy has placed within the hearts and minds of some to do the opposite is also NOT a surprise!

GOD made the ground to contain the nutrients and minerals needed to keep our bodies healthy.  When mankind, with all of his earthly understanding, tries to circumvent GOD's plan it usually brings disastrous results.  You can't imitate what GOD created and expect to see Godly results.  The enemy is about imitating what GOD has made.  If mankind tries to imitate what GOD performs through nature, who do you think mankind is trying to glorify?  

Unless mankind begins to realize that we must "TILL THE GROUND" to produce food to nourish our bodies we will continue to suffer from diseases and malnutrition.  Malnutrition does not mean starvation.  "TILL THE GROUND" is all about putting "labor or work" into our food sources and our bodies.  When we attempt to take the "labor and work" out of food preparation, the result is inferior food supply.  

Our bodies are being filled with inferior food, and I'm afraid our Spirits are being fed inferior Gospel.  We don't have a sense of "labor or work" anymore for anything, rather everyone is trying to find the easy way out!  We would prefer not to "TILL THE GROUND", but if we don't use the ground to grow our food, then the needed nutrients will be omitted from our food!  There are some processes that can not be altered!  "TILL THE GROUND" may be one of those!!

Monday, February 2, 2015

"they WILL give an account"

1 Peter 4:3-5                             (ESV)
"3 For the time that is past suffices for doing what the Gentiles want to do, living in sensuality, passions, drunkenness, orgies, drinking parties, and lawless idolatry.
4 With respect to this they are surprised when you do not join them in the same flood of debauchery, and they malign you;
5 but "they WILL give account" to HIM who is ready to judge the living and the dead."

There are times when it appears those who live their life according to their worldly, selfish desires have everything going there way.  The live in the nicest houses, drive the fanciest cars, wear the best fashions, and basically experience little difficulty in their life!  There seems to be little time or concern in their life for anything eternal.  Living a life of parties and laughter seems to be the thing they are most concerned with.

Having your EYES OPENED to the fact that this physical life is NOT where it all begins and ends can be a humbling thing!  Knowing that everything WILL be judged one day makes me think more carefully about my current day actions.  Life is woefully short and the enemy will try to keep our focus on the temporal earthly things.  But in verse 4 above scripture says they are surprised when we do not join them in their revelry.   WHY???

There is a day when "they WILL give an account" to a BEING far more powerful than they realize.  It has been said the most dreadful words ever to be spoken are the words "I never knew you, DEPART from ME"!!  When they have to weigh their "good times" against the suffering of JESUS and realize that they have been deceived, scripture says there will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth! 

The great deceiver has always given a false perception of reality.  Ever since the Garden of Eden when he told Eve "you will not surely die" and Eve couldn't "SEE" REALITY.  Most of mankind has failed to comprehend that we are "made in HIS image".  John 4:24 says "GOD is Spirit"!  We get so busy with the physical aspects of living that we tend to neglect the Spiritual!  But one day, when "they WILL give account", the time of busyness and deception will be over!  My prayer is that you have SEEN the TRUTH!