Saturday, February 14, 2015

"be acceptable in THY sight"

Psalms 19:14                            (KJV)
"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in THY sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer."

This words of this verse were used in a Praise Chorus sang by the church I attended a few years back.  This Praise Chorus was on my mind recently and I "SLOWED DOWN" and started singing the Chorus with great thought.  Never have I thought about the words being offered up as much as I did while reminiscing about this Chorus. 

"Let the words of my mouth" to me has always seemed to be a post-speech request.  When I examined the verse more closely, the conclusion I arrived at was more of a pre-speech prayer.  If the words I use are words that come from the Throne of GOD, then the end result should honor HIM.  Words that do not honor HIM aren't worth the breath used to speak them!  

"The meditation of my heart", of course, is confirmed in other scriptures.  Matthew 12:34 contains the phrase "for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh".  If the heart is bubbling out words of love and grace, it is not set on self!  But one of my favorite passages is 
Luke 6:45 which says "A GOOD MAN out of the good treasure of his HEART bringeth forth that which is GOOD; and an EVIL MAN out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is EVIL: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh."  My "words" must preceded by "meditation" as trouble usually follows when I "shoot from the hip"!

The words "be acceptable in THY sight" is the key to the verse, in my opinion.  If our thoughts and words are pleasing in HIS sight, the language of many of us would be dramatically altered I fear.  Doing our best to be certain we can "be acceptable in THY sight" is the goal we should ALL strive for.  When our deeds can "be acceptable in THY sight" we generally steer clear of conflict and dissension.  My desire is to have my entire life "be acceptable in THY sight" and let HIM control everything I do!!

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