Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Genesis 32:24-29                (KJV)
"24 And "JACOB WAS LEFT ALONE"; and there wrestled a MAN with him until the breaking of the day.
25 And when HE saw that HE prevailed not against him, HE touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was out of joint, as HE wrestled with him.
26 And HE said, Let ME go, for the day breaketh. And he (Jacob) said, I will not let THEE go, except THOU bless me.
27 And HE said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob.
28 And HE said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with GOD and with men, and hast prevailed.
29 And Jacob asked HIM, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, THY name. And HE said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after MY name? And HE blessed him there."

There are times in life when we HAVE to be ALONE, and usually when we are ALONE, we have to spend time with GOD.  Jacob was a quandary in his life.  He felt his brother, Esau, would find him and kill him because Jacob had gained the birthright from him.  In his anguish "JACOB WAS LEFT ALONE" and GOD intervened and transformed Jacob's life in the process. 

It has been said many times "there is nothing worse than being alone"!  That may be the case if a person doesn't know the GOD I know, but to spend time with GOD is NOT spending time alone!  "JACOB WAS LEFT ALONE" by worldly standards, but I would submit when Jacob wrestled a MAN he was NO LONGER alone!  Whether it was GOD ALMIGHTY, HIS SON JESUS, or some other Heavenly being, Jacob encountered a Divine being that night that Jacob KNEW could bless him unlike anything he imagined.  Jacob could not, and would not, let this opportunity pass him by!

Might it have been Jacob was put into the difficult times in his life to prepare his mentality to refuse to let go of the Heavenly being UNTIL he received his blessing?  The circumstances we sometimes find ourselves in helps determine our resolve to locate a solution to our anguish. Since "JACOB WAS LEFT ALONE" it meant his only assistance would have to come from that Heavenly being with whom he struggled.  The Heavenly being told Jacob he would be called ISRAEL henceforth.  Israel defined means "the prince of GOD", therefore verse 28 says "for as a prince hast thou power with GOD"!  

The nation of Israel, it's name derived from JACOB, has been a close ally on the United States for many years.  But once again, Israel is finding itself alone LEFT ALONE when it comes to defending Herself.  The United States is currently led by those who believe that the problem lies within our borders.  The REAL problem is with anyone who chooses to elevate and honor anyone but GOD JEHOVAH!  Turning our backs on GOD and Israel is a mistake, as indicated in Genesis 12:3 "And I will BLESS them that BLESS thee (Israel), and curse him that curseth thee"!

"JACOB WAS LEFT ALONE" alright, he was left alone with a Heavenly being whom he would not let go until HE blessed him.  The descendants of Jacob have been known as Israel (the prince of GOD) ever since.  "JACOB WAS LEFT ALONE" can be an isolated experience, but GOD has promised to NEVER leave them or forsake them!  It would be a wise thing for us to remember GOD's WORD!  HE is not playing!!!

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